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属天的奥秘 第1476节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1476. The fact that in order that it may go well for me on account of you means that what was heavenly could not be abused in that case can be seen from statements above. The proper sequence, as already mentioned several times,{*1} is for the heavenly dimension to flow into the spiritual one, and the spiritual one into the rational one, and the rational one into the dimension of factual knowledge. When this order is followed, then the heavenly dimension adapts the spiritual one to its purposes, the spiritual adapts the rational, and the rational adapts the factual. The realm of factual knowledge in general then becomes the outermost vessel. Or, what is the same, facts individually and in their details become the outermost vessels, corresponding to rational ideas; rational ideas become vessels corresponding to spiritual ideas; and spiritual ideas become vessels corresponding to heavenly ideas. When this pattern is followed, the heavenly dimension cannot be abused. Otherwise it is abused.
Since the present verse in an inner sense deals with the Lord's education, it describes how he advanced.

{*1} In addition to the mention immediately before this in 搂1475, references to this "proper sequence" include 搂搂99, 657, 775:2, 880:2-3, 911, 978, 1096:2-3. [Editors]

Potts(1905-1910) 1476

1476. That it may be well with me for thy sake. That this signifies that so the celestial could have no violence done to it, is evident from what has been said above; for as has been repeatedly said, the order is that the celestial flows into the spiritual, the spiritual into the rational, and this into the faculty of memory-knowledge. When there is this order, then the spiritual is adapted by the celestial, the rational by the spiritual, and the memory-knowledge by the rational. The memory-knowledge in general then becomes the ultimate vessel; or what is the same, memory-knowledges, specifically and particularly, become the ultimate vessels which correspond to rational things, rational things to spiritual things, and spiritual things to celestial things. When this is the order, the celestial cannot suffer any violence; otherwise, it does so suffer. As in the internal sense the Lord's instruction is here treated of, the method of His progress therein is here described.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1476

1476. 'So that it may go well for me for your sake' means that in this way the celestial could not have any violence done to it. This is clear from what has been stated above; for as stated several times already, the order is for the celestial to flow into the spiritual, the spiritual into the rational, and this into factual knowledge When this order exists the spiritual is adapted by the celestial to be of service, the rational by the spiritual, and factual knowledge by the rational. Factual knowledge in general becomes in that case the outermost vessel, or what amounts to the same, facts specifically and particularly become outermost vessels which correspond to rational things, rational to spiritual things, and spiritual to celestial When this order exists no violence can be done to the celestial; but when such order does not exist violence is done to it. Since the subject here in the internal sense is the instruction received by the Lord, the way in which He progressed is described

Latin(1748-1756) 1476

1476. 'Propterea ut bene fiat mihi propter te': quod significet quod sic caeleste non posset violari, constat ab illis quae supra dicta sunt; ordo enim est, ut aliquoties prius dictum, quod caeleste influet spirituale, spirituale in rationale, et hoc in scientificum; cum hic ordo est, tunc a caelesti adaptatur spirituale, a spirituali rationale, et ab hoc scientificum; scientificum in communi tunc fit ultimum vas, seu quod idem est, scientifica in specie et particulari fiunt ultima vasa quae correspondent rationalibus, rationalia spiritualibus, et spiritualia caelestibus; cum ille ordo est, tunc caeleste non potest violari, alioquin violatur: quia hic agitur de instructione Domini in sensu interno, hic describitur quomodo progressus sit.

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