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属天的奥秘 第1507节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1507. There was one person{*1} who in bodily life had viewed himself as greater and wiser than others, although in other respects he had been honorable enough, not holding other people in contempt on that account. Because he had been born to high position, however, he had developed an air of prestige and power.
As such he came to me and for a long time said nothing. I noticed, though, that he was surrounded by a kind of fog, which drifted out from him and started to envelop other spirits and then to distress them. Speaking to me from inside it, they said that they could not possibly stay there, that they were being robbed of all freedom, so that they did not dare to say anything. He too began to talk and addressed them, calling them his children and at various times instructing them, but always with the authority that he had acquired.
This experience showed me what an aura of personal power is like in the other world.

{*1} This spirit is identified as the biblical king Solomon in Swedenborg's unpublished work Spiritual Experiences (Swedenborg 1998-2002) 搂搂2681, 2700. [LHC]

Potts(1905-1910) 1507

1507. A certain person during his bodily life had seemed to himself to be greater and wiser than others; in other respects he was well disposed, and not much given to despising others in comparison with himself; but as he had been born of high rank, he had contracted a sphere of supereminence and authority. In this character he came to me, and for a long time spoke not, but I noticed that he was encompassed as with a mist, which going forth from him began to cover the other spirits; at which they began to be distressed. Thereupon, addressing me, they said that they could not possibly stay there, for they were deprived of all their freedom, so that they did not dare to say anything. He also began to speak to them, calling them his sons, and at times instructing them, but with the authority that he had contracted. This showed the nature in the other life of a sphere of authority.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1507

1507. There was a certain spirit who during his lifetime had seemed to himself to be greater and wiser than others. He was otherwise upright, and not so inclined to despise others in comparison with himself. But since he had been born among those of high rank he had acquired a sphere of supereminence and authority. This spirit came to me and for a long time said nothing, but I noticed that he was encompassed as by a mist which spread from him and began to envelop other spirits; as a result these spirits began to feel distressed. As a consequence of this they spoke to me, saying that they could not possibly remain as they were deprived of all freedom, so that they did not dare to say a word. Then that spirit began to speak; he addressed himself to them, calling them his sons, and at times instructing them, but with that authority which he had acquired to himself. This experience made clear what the sphere of authority is like in the next life.

Latin(1748-1756) 1507

1507. Quidam in vita corporis magnus et sapiens sibi visus prae aliis, alioquin probus, non ita alios contemnens prae se; sed quia in dignitate natus, sphaeram supereminentiae et auctoritatis contraxit: talis ad me venit et diu nihil locutus, sed animadverti quod sicut nimbo circumfusus esset, qui progrediens ab illo obvelare incepit spiritus; ex quo spiritus coeperunt angi; inde locuti mecum, dicebant quod nequaquam adesse possent, se privari omni libertate, sicut quod non ausint quicquam dicere; coepit is quoque loqui et cum illis, vocans eos suos filios, quandoque instruens, sed cum auctoritate quam sibi attraxerat: inde constare potuit qualis sphaera auctoritatis est in altera vita.

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