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属天的奥秘 第1508节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1508. I had many opportunities to observe that people who had been endowed with the highest positions in the world inevitably took on an air of authority as a result. Consequently they were unable to hide it or cast it off in the other life. In the ones who have received the gift of faith and of love for others, the air of authority combines in a miraculous way with one of benevolence, so that it disturbs no one. In fact well-mannered spirits also offer them a kind of corresponding deference. The atmosphere they give off is not a dictatorial one; it is just an aura natural to them, because they were born that way. Since they are good, and since they work at shedding that aura, after a certain amount of time they succeed.

Potts(1905-1910) 1508

1508. Many times has it been given me to observe that those who in the world had been endowed with high rank, could not help contracting thereby a sphere of authority, and therefore in the other life they could neither hide nor get rid of it. In those of them who had been endowed with faith and charity, the sphere of authority is in a wonderful way conjoined with a sphere of goodness, so that it is not troublesome to anyone; indeed a kind of corresponding subordination is shown them by well-behaved spirits; and in fact they have no sphere of commanding, but only a sphere that is natural to them from their high birth, and which after some delay they put off; for they are good, and strive to put it off.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1508

1508. On many occasions I have been given to observe that those who in the world had been endowed with high rank bad inevitably acquired to themselves a sphere of authority, and therefore in the next life could neither conceal nor get rid of that sphere. With those of them who have been endowed with faith and charity the sphere of authority is joined wonderfully to a sphere of goodness, so that it is not troublesome to anyone. Indeed a kind of corresponding deference is paid to them by well-minded spirits. But with them it is not a sphere of ruling, merely a natural sphere that exists because they were born such and which they get rid of eventually after a period of time because they are good and strive to get rid of it.

Latin(1748-1756) 1508

1508. Multoties observare datum, quod qui in mundo summa dignitate praediti fuerunt, inde non potuerint aliter quam sibi auctoritatis sphaeram attrahere, ac ideo illam non occultare nec rejicere in altera vita; qui illorum fide et charitate donati fuerunt, sphaera illorum auctoritatis cum sphaera bonitatis mirabiliter conjungitur, ut non alicui molesta sit, immo etiam illis species subordinationis correspondentis a spiritibus moratis praestatur; sed illis non est sphaera imperandi, modo sphaera naturalis quia tales nati, quam dein post temporis moram exuunt, quia boni, et exuere student.

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