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属天的奥秘 第1510节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1510. Every spirit and to a greater extent every community of spirits has its own aura, formed from and given off by the assumptions and self-deceptions that it has adopted. (Demons have an aura formed by their longings.)
By its inherent nature, when one person's aura of assumptions and self-deceptions influences another person, it makes truth appear to be false. It also stirs up all kinds of supportive ideas, so that it convinces the person to accept falsity as true and evil as good.
[2] (This fact made it clear to me how easily we can become entrenched in falsity and evil, unless we believe the truth that comes from the Lord.) Such auras are denser or thinner, depending on the nature of the falsities.
These auras are completely out of harmony with the auras of spirits who subscribe to the truth. If the two kinds of aura come near each other, war breaks out. If the atmosphere of falsity is permitted to win, the good spirits come into times of trial and anguish.
I also perceived an atmosphere of disbelief, in which people accept nothing that is said and scarcely even what is in plain sight. And I perceived the atmosphere of those who believe nothing but what they can grasp with their senses.
[3] In addition, I saw someone dressed in dark clothing sitting near a mill, apparently milling flour. At his side appeared a little mirror. Later I saw certain products of his disordered imagination, which were surprisingly wispy. I wondered who he was, but he came to me and said that he was the person sitting by the mill and that he had possessed the idea that absolutely everything was simply a hallucination and nothing was real, which is why he ended up in this position.

Potts(1905-1910) 1510

1510. Every spirit-and still more every society of spirits-has his own sphere from his principles and persuasions, which sphere is that of his principles and persuasions. Evil genii have a sphere of cupidities, and in their case the sphere of principles and persuasions is such that when acting upon another it makes truths to be as falsities and calls forth all things that are confirmatory, so as to induce a belief that falsities are truths, and that evils are goods. [2] This has shown how easily a man may be confirmed in falsities and evils, if he has no belief in the truths which are from the Lord. Such spheres are dense in proportion to the nature of the falsities. These spheres can by no means agree with the spheres of spirits who are in truths. If they approach, there arises a repugnance; and if by permission the sphere of falsity prevails, the good come into temptation and into anxiety. I have also perceived the sphere of unbelief, which is such that those who are in it do not believe anything that is said, and scarcely what is presented to their sight. There is also the sphere of those who believe nothing but what they apprehend by the senses. [3] A certain one was seen by me, clothed in something dark, sitting at a mill, as if grinding meal, and at the side were seen little mirrors, and I afterwards saw some things produced by phantasy,, but which were aerial. I wondered who he was; but he came to me and said that he was the one who sat at the mill; and that he had such ideas, as that all things whatsoever are only phantasies, and that nothing is real. For this reason he had become such as he was.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1510

1510. Every spirit has his own sphere, and every community of spirits even more so, which emanates from the assumptions and the persuasions he has adopted. This sphere is that of his assumptions and persuasions. Evil genii possess a sphere of evil desires. The sphere of assumptions and persuasions is such that when it acts on another person it causes truths to be as falsities, and stirs up all things which are of a confirmatory nature, so as to induce a belief that falsities are truths, and that evils are goods.

[2] This has made clear to me how easily a person can be confirmed in falsities and evils if he does not believe in the truths which come from the Lord. The density of such spheres depends on the nature of the falsities that are present; and those spheres cannot possibly coexist with the spheres of spirits who abide by truths. If those spheres draw near, a repugnance arises; and if, because it is permitted to do so, the sphere of falsity prevails, the good enter into temptation and into distress. I have also perceived the sphere of disbelief, which is such that those to whom it belongs do not believe anything they are told, and scarcely believe that which they are given to see with their eyes. There is also the sphere of those who believe nothing apart from what they apprehend with the senses.

[3] I also once saw a certain spirit dressed in black who was sitting at a mill and, it seemed, was grinding flour. To the side of him I saw little mirrors. Subsequently I saw some things which were the product of delusion but which were airy. I wondered who he was, but he came to me and said that it was he who had been seated at the mill, and that he possessed such ideas as that every single thing was the product merely of delusion and that nothing was real, on account of which, he added, he had become what he was.

Latin(1748-1756) 1510

1510. Unusquisque spiritus, et magis unaquaevis societas spiritum suam sphaeram habet ex principiis et persuasionibus captis, quae sphaera e principiorum et persuasionum; genii mali habent sphaeram cupiditatum: sphaera principiorum et persuasionum talis est ut cum agit in alium, faciat sicut vera sint falsa, et excitat omnia confirmantia sic ut inducat credere quod falsa sint vera, et mala sint bona: [2] inde constare potuit quam facile homo falsis et malis confirmari possit nisi credat veris quae a Domino; tales sphaerae sunt densiores secundum falsitatum naturalium: hae sphaerae nullatenus concordare possunt cum sphaeris spirituum qui in veris; si approximant, oritur repugnantia; si sphaera falsi ex permissione praevalet, boni in tentationem veniunt inque anxietatem. Percepta quoque est sphaera incredulitatis, qui talis ut nihil credant quae dicuntur, vix quod iis sistitur videndum: sphaera quoque illorum qui nihil credunt nisi quae sensibus capiunt. [3] Visus mihi quoque quidam, indutus obscuro, sedens ad molam, et quasi molens farinam, et latere visa specula parva, vidi postea quaedam producta ex phantasia sed qui aerea; miratus quis esset, sed venit ad me et dixit quod is esset qui ad molam sedit, et quod habuerit tales ideas quod omnia et singula essent modo phantasiae et nihil reale, quare talis factus.

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