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属天的奥秘 第1692节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1692. Hardly anyone can see what the battles of spiritual crisis accomplish. They are the means for dissolving and shaking off evil and falsity. They are also the means by which we develop a horror for evil and falsity, and gain not only conscience but strength of conscience; and this is the way we are reborn. For that reason, people who are regenerating are thrust into combat and undergo terrible trials — if not during their physical lives, then in the other life, assuming they can regenerate. In consequence, the Lord's church is called the church militant.
The Lord alone relied on his own strength or power to endure his spiritual crises and the savage conflicts they entailed. The hells all besieged him, and he continually gained total victory over them.
[2] It is the Lord alone who does the fighting in people facing their own spiritual battles, and who conquers. By our own power, we cannot accomplish anything at all against evil, hellish spirits, because they band together with the hells in such a way that if one hell were overcome the next would rush in to fill the void. This would continue forever. They are like the ocean beating on the individual stones in a jetty. If it managed to open a chink or a tiny crack in the jetty, it would never stop until it had broken down and overflowed the entire structure, leaving not a trace. That is how it would be if the Lord did not bear our battles by himself.

Potts(1905-1910) 1692

1692. Scarcely anyone can know what temptations, or combats of temptations, effect. They are the means by which evils and falsities are broken up and dispersed, and by which horror of them is induced; and not only is conscience given, but it is also strengthened thereby, and so the man is regenerated, which is the reason why they who are being regenerated are let into combats, and undergo temptations; and they who do not undergo them in the life of the body, do so in the other life, if they are capable of being regenerated, on which account the Lord's church is called militant. But the Lord alone sustained the most cruel combats of temptations by His own strength or His own power; for He was surrounded by all the hells, and continually conquered them. [2] It is the Lord alone also who fights in the men who are in the combats of temptations, and who overcomes. Man from his own power can effect nothing at all against evil or infernal spirits; for they are so connected with the hells that if one were overcome, another would rush in, and so on forever. They are like the sea which presses upon every part of a dike; and if the dike should be broken through by a cleft or a crack, the sea would never cease to burst through and overflow, until nothing was left standing. So would it be with man unless the Lord alone sustained in him the combats of temptations.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1692

1692. What temptations, or the conflicts that constitute temptations, accomplish, scarcely anyone is able to know. They are the means by which evils and falsities are broken up and dispersed. They are also the means by which an abhorrence of these is produced, and a conscience is not only given but also strengthened, and man is accordingly regenerated. This is the reason why those who are being regenerated are led into conflicts and undergo temptations and why those who do not experience them during their earthly life do so in the next life, provided they are such as can be regenerated. And it is for these reasons also that the Lord's Church is called 'militant'. The Lord alone however underwent from His own strength or power the most cruel conflicts that constitute temptations, for He was beset by all the hells and constantly overcame them.

[2] It is also the Lord alone who fights in the temptation-conflicts of those who do undergo these. Man by his own power can accomplish nothing in the slightest against evil or hellish spirits, for they are so closely linked to the hells that if one were vanquished another would rush to take his place, and so on for ever. They are like the sea pressing against every part of a dike. If the dike were to develop a split or crack the sea would never cease to pour through and flood the land until nothing was left standing. It would be like this with man if the Lord alone did not bear up against the conflicts experienced by man in temptations.

Latin(1748-1756) 1692

1692. Quid tentationes seu pugnae tentationum efficiunt, vix aliquis scire potest; sunt illa media quibus resolvuntur et discutiuntur mala et falsa, et quibus inducitur pro illis horror, et non modo datur sed etiam corroboratur conscientia, et sic regeneratur homo; quae causa est quod qui regenerantur, mittantur in pugnas, et subeant tentationes; et qui non in vita corporis, illi in altera vita, si tales sint ut regenerari queant; quare Ecclesia Domini vocatur 'pugnans': se solus Dominus ex propriis viribus seu ex propria potentia sustinuit pugnas tentationum crudelissimas, nam omnibus infernis circumfusus fuit, et continue illa evicit: [2] solus Dominus etiam est Qui pugnas apud homines qui in pugnis tentationum sunt, et Qui vincit; homo ex propria potentia ne hilum efficere potest contra malos seu infernales spiritus, nam cohaerent cum infernis ita ut si unum superaretur alterum superirrueret, et sic in aeternum; sunt sicut mare quod incumbit singulis partibus aggeris, si perrumperetur agger rima se fossula, nusquam mare desineret quin perrumperet et inundaret usque dum nihil superstes sit; ita se haberet nisi Dominus soli sustineret pugnas tentationum apud hominem.

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