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属天的奥秘 第1717节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1717. He brought back all the property means that the intermediate self restored everything in the outer self to its appropriate condition, as can be seen from the symbolism of bringing back all the property. The property is that which Chedorlaomer and the kings with him took from their enemies, as told in previous verses. Chedorlaomer and the kings with him symbolized goodness and truth in the outer self. The property they acquired from their enemies was nothing else than the fact that these enemies were stripped of the power to do evil or think falsely. That is what is symbolized by the resources and all the food of Sodom and Gomorrah, which they took. For more on this, see above at verse 11 [1694, 1695].
[2] The situation here is such that it cannot be explained in a few words. In order to gain some notion of it, though, consider this: Those who fight spiritual battles and win acquire more and more power over evil spirits, or in other words, over the Devil's crew — so much power, finally, that the spirits do not dare to try anything. Every time such people win a victory, moreover, the Lord reorganizes the good impulses and true ideas they are using as weapons. So every time they win, their goodness and truth are purified; and the more they are purified, the more the heavenly qualities of love are instilled in their outer self and come into correspondence. This is what bringing back all the property symbolizes.
[3] Anyone who imagines that the outer self can be brought into correspondence without inward struggle is mistaken. Times of trial are the means for getting rid of evil and falsity and replacing them with goodness and truth. They are also the means for reducing the attributes of the outer self to obedience, so that the outer self can serve the intermediate self (the rational self) and through this the inner self (or rather the Lord working through the inner self).
No one can see that our times of trial produce these effects except people who have been reborn through their trials. Describing the process in even its most general outlines would be difficult, because it takes place without our awareness of the source or the method. It is, after all, the Lord's divine work.

Potts(1905-1910) 1717

1717. And he brought back all the substance. That this signifies that the interior man reduced all things in the external man into a conforming state, may be seen from the signification of "bringing back all the substance." The "substance" here is the things which Chedorlaomer and the kings with him took from their enemies; as told in what goes before. By Chedorlaomer and the kings with him, are signified the goods and truths of the exterior man. The substance they took from their enemies was nothing else than their being deprived of the power of doing evil and thinking falsity, which was signified by the wealth of Sodom and Gomorrah, and by all the food which they took (treated of above, at verse 11). [2] This matter is of such a nature that it cannot be set forth in few words; but what here follows may be sufficient to give some notion of it. He who is in the combats of temptations, and overcomes, acquires to himself more and more a power [potestas] over the evil spirits, or over the diabolical crew, till at last they do not dare to tempt at all. But as often as a victory is gained, so often does the Lord reduce into order the goods and truths from which the combat was waged; and so often are they thus purified; and so far as they are purified, so far are the celestial things of love insinuated into the exterior man, and a correspondence effected. These are the things that are signified by bringing back all the substance. [3] He who supposes that the external man can be reduced into correspondence without combats of temptations is mistaken; for temptations are the means of dissipating evils and falsities, as also of introducing goods and truths, and of reducing the things which are of the external man into obedience, so that it may serve the interior or rational man, and through this the internal, that is, the Lord operating through the internal man. That these things are effected by temptations, no one can know but he who has been regenerated through temptations. But how this is done can scarcely be described even in the most general manner, since it is done without the man's knowing whence and how; for it is the Lord's Divine operation.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1717

1717. That 'he brought back all the acquisitions' means that the Interior Man brought all things in the External Man back into a state of agreement becomes clear from the meaning of 'bringing back all the acquisitions', the acquisitions here being the things which Chedorlaomer and the kings with him had taken from their enemies, as described in what has gone before. 'Chedorlaomer and the kings with him' meant the goods and truths in the Exterior Man. They did not take from their enemies anything apart from depriving them of the power to do evil and to think falsity, which was meant by 'the wealth of Sodom and Gomorrah' and by all the food they took, dealt with above at verse 11.

[2] This is not a matter that can be explained briefly, yet to gain some notion concerning it, let the following be said. A person who is engaged in the conflicts that constitute temptations, and who overcomes, more and more acquires to himself power over evil spirits, that is, over the devil's crew, till at length they do not dare to tempt him at all. Every time a victory is won, the Lord brings back into a state of order the goods and truths from which the battle was fought, and so they are purified. And to the degree that these are purified, the celestial things of love are implanted in the exterior man, and a correspondence is achieved. This is what is meant by 'bringing back all the acquisitions'.

[3] Anyone who thinks that the external man can be brought back into correspondence without the conflicts brought about by temptations is mistaken; for temptations are the means by which evils and falsities are dispelled, also by which goods and truths are introduced, and by which the things belonging to the external man are brought into obedience so that it may serve the interior or rational man, and through the latter may serve the internal man, that is, the Lord who operates by way of the internal man. That these things are effected by temptations nobody can know except the person who has been regenerated by means of temptations. But how this is accomplished can hardly be described even as to its most general features, for it is accomplished without the person's knowing the origin and manner of its accomplishment, since it is a Divine operation by the Lord.

Latin(1748-1756) 1717

1717. Quod 'reduxit omnem acquisitionem' significet quo Interior Homo redegit omnia quae in Externo Homine in statum convenientem, constare potest a significatione 'reducere omnem acquisitionem'; 'acquisitio' hic sunt quae Kedorlaomer et reges cum illo sumpserunt ab hostibus, de quibus in praecedentibus; per 'Kedorlaomerum et reges cum illo' significata sunt bona et vera Exterioris Hominis; illorum acquisitio ex hostibus nihil aliud fuit quam quod privati sint potentia malum agendi et falsum cogitandi, quod significatam est per 'opes Sodomae et Amorae' et per 'omnem cibum quem sumpserunt,' de quibus supra ad vers. 11. [2] Quomodo hoc se habet, est tale quod non paucis exponi potest; ut tamen notio ejus habeatur, haec sint: qui in pugnis tentationum est et qui vincit, ille sibi magis et magis acquirit potestatem super malos spiritus seu super turbam diabolicam, usque tandem ut nihil ausint tentare; sed quoties victoria obtinetur, toties reducit Dominus in ordinem bona et vera ex quibus pugnatum, et sic toties purificantur illa, et quantum purificantur, tantum caelestia amoris insinuantur exteriori homini, et fit correspondentia; haec sunt quae significantur per 'reducere omnem acquisitionem.' [3] Qui autumat quod externus homo possit reduci in correspondentiam absque pugnis tentationum, fallitur, tentationes enim sunt media dissipandi mala et falsa, tum inducendi bona et vera, et reducendi illa quae externi hominis sunt in oboedientiam ut inserviat interiori seu rationali, et per hunc interno, hoc est, Domino per internum hominem operanti: quod per tentationes illa efficiantur, nemo scire potest nisi qui per tentationes regeneratus est; at quomodo id fit, vix potest quoad communissima describi, nam fit praeter quod homo sciat unde et quomodo, est enim Divina Domini operatio.

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