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属天的奥秘 第1740节


邪恶和虚假之所以被战胜,或邪恶和虚假通过试探的争战被战胜,良善和真理由此被获得, 是因为这就是驱散邪恶和虚假的方式。一旦这些邪恶和虚假被驱散,良善和真理就会取而代之,后来越来越被确认,从而得到强化。事实上,正是恶灵激活了邪恶和虚假;若不是他们激活了,人几乎不知道它们是邪恶和虚假。不过,一旦被激活,它们就显而易见了。试探的争战持续的时间越长,邪恶和虚假就变得越明显,直到最后它们被视为可憎。

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New Century Edition

[NCE]1740. The king of Sodom said symbolizes the evil and falsity that was conquered. This is established by the symbolism of Sodom as evil and falsity, which was demonstrated earlier in the chapter [1663]. Verse 17. above [1721] says that the king of Sodom went out to meet Abram, meaning that evil and falsity surrendered. This verse now continues by depicting him as pleading.
[2] The reason we overcome evil and falsity through the battles involved in a spiritual crisis, and become imbued with goodness and truth in the process, is that these battles dissolve evil and falsity, and when they are dissolved, goodness and truth replace them. Then the goodness and truth are reinforced more and more and in this way are solidified. There are evil spirits who stir up what is evil and false, you see. If they did not, we could barely recognize those things as evil and false; but when they are stirred up they are exposed. The longer the struggle lasts, the more obvious they grow until finally we gain a horror for them.
[3] All the while evil and falsity are disappearing, goodness and truth are taking their place. The more horror we acquire for evil and falsity, the more the Lord instills in us a love for what is good and true. Again, the more horror we acquire for evil and falsity, the less any evil spirits dare to draw near, because they cannot tolerate an aversion and horror for the evil and falsity in which their lives consist. Sometimes they feel the grip of terror with their first step toward us. The more we love what is good and true, the more the angels — and with the angels, heaven — love to be with us, because when they immerse themselves in the good impulses of love and the true ideas of faith, they are really alive.

Potts(1905-1910) 1740

1740. The king of Sodom said. That this signifies the evil and falsity which were overcome, is evident from the signification of "Sodom," which is evil and falsity, as was shown above in this chapter. It is said above (in verse 17), that the king of Sodom went out to meet Abram, by which is signified that evil and falsity submitted themselves; it is now added that they are suppliants. [2] That evil and falsity were conquered, or that evils and falsities are conquered by the combats of temptations, and that goods and truths are thereby put on, comes from the fact that evils and falsities are thus dissipated; and when these have been dissipated, goods and truths succeed in their place; and these are afterwards confirmed more and more, and are thus strengthened. For it is by evil spirits that evils and falsities are excited; and unless they are excited, the man scarcely knows that they are evils and falsities; but when excited they are manifest. And the longer the combats of temptations last, the more manifest do the evils and falsities become, until at last they are held in abhorrence. [3] And as evils and falsities are dissipated, goods and truths take their place; and the greater the horror that is conceived for evils and falsities, the more of love for goods and truths is insinuated by the Lord. And further, the greater the horror for evils and falsities, the less do evil spirits dare to approach, for they cannot endure aversion and horror for the evils and falsities in which their life consists, and are sometimes seized with terror on their first approach. And the more of love there is for goods and truths, the more do the angels love to be with the man, and together with the angels, heaven; for they are in their own life when in the goods of love and truths of faith.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1740

1740. That 'the king of Sodom' means the evil and falsity that had been overcome is clear from the meaning of 'Sodom' as evil and falsity, as shown above in this chapter. Verse 17 above says that 'the king of Sodom went out to meet Abram' which meant that evil and falsity submitted. The present verse continues the idea that they were suppliant.

[2] The reason why evil and falsity were overcome, or why evils and falsities are overcome by means of the conflicts constituting temptations, and so why goods and truths are acquired, is that this is the manner in which evils and falsities are dispelled. Once these have been dispelled goods and truths take their place, and in the end are confirmed more and more and so strengthened. Indeed it is evil spirits who activate evils and falsities, and unless they do so a person scarcely knows that they are evils and falsities. But once activated they are evident. And the longer the conflicts brought about by temptations persist, the more evident such evils and falsities become, till at length they are regarded with abhorrence.

[3] And as evils and falsities are dispelled, so goods and truths take their place; and the more a person contracts an abhorrence of evils and falsities, the more love the Lord instills for goods and truths. Furthermore the greater that abhorrence of evils and falsities becomes, the less do evil spirits dare to approach, for they cannot stand this aversion to and abhorrence of the evils and falsities constituting their life. Sometimes they are seized with terror the moment they start to approach. And the more love there is for goods and truths, the more do angels love to be with man, and this to the angels is heaven; for their own life exists with them when the goods of love and the truths of faith exist with them.

Latin(1748-1756) 1740

1740. 'Dixit rex Sodomae': quod significet malum et falsum quod victum, constat a significatione 'Sodomae' quod sit malum et falsum, ut supra in hoc capite est ostensum; supra versu 17 dicitur (x)'exivit rex Sodomae obviam Abramo,' quo significatum quod malum et falsum se submiserit, hic nunc continuatur quod supplex sit. [2] Quod malum et falsum sit victum, seu quod mala et falsa vincantur per pugnas tentationum, et sic bona et vera induantur, inde est quia sic mala et falsa dissipantur, quibus dissipatis bona et vera succedunt, quae dein magis et magis confirmantur et sic corroborantur; sunt enim mali spiritus qui excitant mala et falsa; quae nisi excitentur, vix novit homo quod mala et falsa sint, sed tunc patent; quoque diutius pugnae tentationum perstant, eo magis patent, usque tandem ut mala et falsa horreantur: [3] et prout mala et falsa dissipantur, ita succedunt bona et vera; et quo plus horroris pro malis et falsis contrahitur, eo plus amoris insinuatur a Domino pro bonis et veris; quoque plus horroris fit pro malis et falsis, eo minus accedere audent mali spiritus, quia aversationem et horrorem pro malis et falsis in quibus eorum vita consistit, non sufferre possunt, quandoque ad primam approximationem corripiuntur terrore; et quo plus amoris pro bonis et veris, eo magis angeli amant apud hominem esse, et cum angelis caelum, nam in suamet vita sunt cum in bonis amoris et veris fidei.

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