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属天的奥秘 第1767节





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New Century Edition

[NCE]1767.{*1} Genesis 15
Sacred Scripture, or the Word, Which Conceals a Divine Message That Lies Open to the View of Good Spirits and Angels
SOME people love the Lord's Word and live a kind and charitable life. Others believe what it says in a simple-hearted way, without making assumptions that undermine the religious truth of its inner meaning. When the Word is read by either kind of person, it is displayed by the Lord before angels' eyes with tremendous beauty and charm, accompanied by visual representations and adapted with inexpressible variety to every phase they are then passing through. The beauty and charm are so great that every single facet is perceived as alive. This vital energy is the life that lies within the Word and that gave birth to the Word when it was sent down from heaven. For this reason, the Lord's Word by its very nature conceals spiritual and heavenly messages within, no matter how unpolished it seems in the letter. These inner messages lie open to the view of good spirits and of angels when people on earth read the Word.

{*1} There are no sections numbered 1765, 1766 in the first edition. [LHC]

Potts(1905-1910) 1767

1767. CHAPTER 15 CONCERNING THE HOLY SCRIPTURE OR WORD, IN WHICH ARE STORED UP DIVINE THINGS, WHICH ARE OPEN BEFORE GOOD SPIRITS AND ANGELS When the Word of the Lord is being read by a man who loves the Word and lives in charity, or by a man who from simplicity of heart believes what is written and has not formed principles contrary to the truth of faith which is in the internal sense, it is presented by the Lord before the angels in such beauty and in such pleasantness, with representatives also, and this with inexpressible variety in accordance with all their state at the time, that every particular is perceived as if it had life, which life is that which is in the Word, and from which the Word had birth when it was sent down from heaven. From this cause the Word of the Lord is such, that although in the letter it appears crude, there are stored up in it spiritual and celestial things which lie open before good spirits, and before angels, when the Word is being read by man.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1767

1767. a 15


When the Word of the Lord is being read by someone who loves the Word and leads a charitable life - even by one who, because he is simple-hearted, believes what is written and has not formed opinions that are contrary to the truth of faith that lies within the internal sense - the Lord also sets the Word before the angels. The Lord does so in such beauty and such loveliness, using representatives as well, with indescribable variations, each of which accords with the angels' entire state at the time, that every detail is perceived as if it had life. This life is that which is present within the Word and from which the Word was given birth when it was sent down from heaven. By reason of this, although in the letter it appears rough and imperfect, the Word of the Lord is such that inwardly there are concealed spiritual and celestial things, which are fully visible to good spirits and to angels while it is being read by man.


a There are no paragraphs 1765 and 1766 in the Latin.

Latin(1748-1756) 1767

1767. {1} GENESEOS CAPUT DECIMUM QUINTUM De Scriptura Sacra seu Verbo, quod Divina recondat, quae patent coram spiritibus bonis et angelis

Verbum Domini cum legitur ab homine qui amat Verbum et in charitate vivit, etiam ab homine qui ex simplici corde credit quod scriptum nec principia formavit contra verum fidei quod in sensu interno, sistitur illud a Domino coram angelis in tali pulchritudine, et in tali amoenitate etiam cum repraesentativis, et hoc inexpressibili varietate secundum omnem statum illorum in quo tunc sunt, ut percipiantur singula quasi vitam habere quae vita est quae in Verbo, et ex qua natum est Verbum cum demissum caelo; ob hanc causam Verbum Domini tale est quod tametsi rude apparet in littera, usque intus recondat spiritualia et caelestia, quae patent coram spiritibus bonis et coram angelis, cum ab homine legitur. @1 So 1, nos. 1765 and 1766 are missing.$

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