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属天的奥秘 第1812节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1812. He believed in Jehovah symbolizes the Lord's faith at that stage, as can be seen from the words themselves. It can also be seen from the inner-sense train of thought, which is this: While the Lord was living in the world, he never stopped fighting and winning his inward battles. He did so with the constant, deepest trust and faith that he would inevitably win because he was fighting for the salvation of the entire human race, motivated by pure love. That is what believing in Jehovah is here.
The love from which a person fights reveals what faith that person has. People who fight from some other love than love for their neighbor and for the Lord's kingdom do not fight from faith. That is, they do not believe in Jehovah but in whatever they do love. The love they fight for is itself their faith. Take for example a person who fights out of a desire to become greatest in heaven. People like this do not believe in Jehovah but rather in themselves. Wanting to be greatest is wanting total control over others, so people like this are fighting for dominance. The same is true with all other kinds of love. So the actual love from which a person fights allows you to identify that person's faith.
[2] In all the struggles the Lord faced while he was being tested, though, he never fought out of self-love, or for his own sake, but for everyone in the universe. He did not want to become greatest in heaven, because this is contrary to divine love. He hardly even wanted to become least. All he wanted was for everyone to make something of themselves and be saved. He says so, too, in Mark:
The two sons of Zebedee said, "Grant us to sit one on your right and the other on your left in your glory." Jesus said, "Anyone who wants to be great among you must be your attendant. And whichever of you wants to be first must be everyone's slave, since even the Son of Humankind did not come to be served but to serve others, and to give his soul as the ransom price for many." (Mark 10:37, 43, 44, 45)
This love, or faith, is what the Lord fought from, and it is what is meant here by believing in Jehovah.

Potts(1905-1910) 1812

1812. He believed in Jehovah. That this signifies the Lord's faith at that time, is evident from the very words, and also from the connection of things in the internal sense; which is that while He lived in the world the Lord was in continual combats of temptations, and in continual victories, from a constant inmost confidence and faith that because He was fighting for the salvation of the whole human race from pure love, He could not but conquer; which is here meant by "believing in Jehovah." From the love from which anyone fights it is known what his faith is. He who fights from any other love than love toward the neighbor and toward the Lord's kingdom, does not fight from faith, that is, does not "believe in Jehovah," but in that which he loves, for the love itself for which he fights is his faith. For example: he who fights from the love of becoming the greatest in heaven, does not believe in Jehovah, but rather in himself; for to desire to become the greatest is to desire to command others; thus he fights for command; and so in all other cases. And thus from the love itself from which anyone fights, it may be known what his faith is. [2] But in all His combats of temptations the Lord never fought from the love of self, or for Himself, but for all in the universe, consequently, not that He might become the greatest in heaven, for this is contrary to the Divine Love, and scarcely even that He might be the least; but only that all others might become something, and be saved. As He also says in Mark:

The two sons of Zebedee said, Grant unto us that we may sit, one on Thy right hand, and the other on Thy left, in Thy glory. Jesus said, Whoever would be great among you shall be your minister; and whoever would be first among you, shall be servant of all. For the Son of man also came not to be ministered onto, but to minister, and to give His soul a ransom for many (Mark 10:37, 43-45). This is the love, or this is the faith, from which the Lord fought, and which is here meant by "believing in Jehovah."

Elliott(1983-1999) 1812

1812. 'He believed in Jehovah' means the Lord's faith at that time. This is clear from the words themselves, and also from the train of thought in the internal sense, the train of thought being that while He lived in the world the Lord was engaged repeatedly in conflicts brought about by temptations, and was repeatedly victorious. And what is meant here by 'believing in Jehovah' is the truth that the Lord was filled repeatedly with an inmost confidence and faith that, because it was pure love out of which He was fighting for the salvation of the whole human race, He could not but be victorious. From the love out of which anyone fights it is known what his faith is. A person who fights out of any other love than love towards the neighbour and love towards the Lord's kingdom is not fighting out of faith, that is, he does not believe in Jehovah but in that which he loves; for the love itself for which he fights constitutes his faith. Take, for example, one who fights out of the love of becoming the greatest in heaven. He does not believe in Jehovah, but rather in himself, for wishing to become the greatest is wishing to have control over others. Thus he fights for control. It is the same with every other example that may be taken. From the love itself therefore out of which a person fights one may know what his faith is.

[2] The Lord however, in all His conflicts brought about by temptations, never fought out of self-love, that is, for Himself, but for all throughout the universe. He did not fight therefore to become the greatest in heaven, for that is contrary to Divine love. He scarcely did so to become the least. He fought solely so that all others might become something and be saved, as He Himself also declares in Mark,

The two sons of Zebedee said, Grant us to sit in Your glory, one on Your right hand and the other on Your left. Jesus said, Whoever would be great among you must be your minister, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For the Son of Man also came not to be ministered to but to minister, and to give His lifea as the price of redemption for many. Mark 10:37, 43-45.

This is the love, that is, the faith, out of which the Lord fought, and which is meant by 'believing in Jehovah'.


a lit. soul

Latin(1748-1756) 1812

1812. 'Credidit in Jehovam' quod significet fidem Domini tunc, constat ex ipsis verbis, tum ex serie rerum in sensu interno, quae est quod Dominus dum vixit in mundo, in continuis pugnis tentationum fuerit et in continuis victoriis; ex intima confidentia et fide continue, quod quia pugnabat pro salute universi generis humani ex puro amore, non posset aliter ac vincere, quod hic est 'credere in Jehovam.' Ab amore ex quo aliquis pugnat, noscitur quae fides; qui ex alio amore quam ex amore erga proximum, et erga regnum Domini, non pugnat ex fide, hoc est, non credit in Jehovam, sed in illud quod amat; ipse enim amor pro quo pugnat, est fides ejus; ut pro exemplo, qui pugnat ex amore ut maximus in caelo fiat, is non credit in Jehovam, sed potius in se; nam maximus velle fieri est velle imperare aliis, ita pro imperio pugnat; similiter in reliquis; quare ex ipso amore ex quo pugnatur, sciri potest quae fides. [2] Dominus autem in omnibus suis pugnis tentationum, nusquam ex amore sui seu pro se pugnavit, sed pro omnibus in universo, proinde non ut maximus fieret in caelo, nam hoc contrarium est Amori Divino, vix ut minimus, modo omnes alii fierent aliquid et salvarentur; ut quoque Ipse dicit, apud Marcum, Dixerunt duo Zebedaei filii, Da nobis, ut unus e dextris Tuis, et alter a sinistris Tuis sedeamus in gloria Tua:... Jesus dixit, Quisquis voluerit esse magnus inter vos, erit minister vester; et quicumque voluerit vestrum esse primus, erit omnium servus; nam etiam Filius Hominis non venit ut ministretur Ipsi, sed ut ministret, et det animam suam pretium redemptionis pro multis, x 37, 44, 45;

hic amor seu haec fides est ex qua pugnavit Dominus, quae intelligitur hic per 'credere in Jehovam.'

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