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属天的奥秘 第1858节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1858. Genesis 15:17. And it happened that the sun set, and darkness occurred, and see? A furnace of smoke and a torch of fire that passed between those pieces!{*1} And it happened that the sun set symbolizes the last days, when the end comes. And darkness occurred means when hatred displaces charity. And see? A furnace of smoke, symbolizes the thickest falsity. And a torch of fire symbolizes feverish cravings. That passed between those pieces means that this fever separated people in the church from the Lord.

{*1} The phrase "those pieces" refers to the pieces of the sacrificed animals mentioned in verse 10. [RS]

Potts(1905-1910) 1858

1858. Verse 17. And it came to pass that the sun went down, and there was thick darkness; and behold a furnace of smoke, and a torch of fire, which passed between those pieces. "And it came to pass that the sun went down," signifies the last time, when the consummation came; "and there was thick darkness," signifies when hatred was in the place of charity; "and behold a furnace of smoke," signifies the densest falsity; "and a torch of fire," signifies the burning heat of cupidities; "which passed between those pieces," signifies that it separated those who were of the church from the Lord.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1858

1858. Verse 17 And the sun went down and there was thick darkness; and behold, a smoking furnace and a flaming torch which passed between those pieces.

'And the sun went down' means the final period when the close came. 'And there was thick darkness' means when hatred existed in place of charity. 'And behold, a smoking furnace' means grossest falsity. 'And a flaming torch' means the heat of evil desires. 'Which passed between those pieces' means that it divided off those that belonged to the Church from the Lord.

Latin(1748-1756) 1858

1858. Vers. 17. Et fuit, sol occidit, et caligo facta, et ecce furnus fumi, et fax ignis, quae transivit inter segmenta illa. 'Et fuit, sol occidit significat extremum tempus cum consummatio: 'et caligo facta significat cum odium loco charitatis: 'et ecce furnus fumi' significat densissimum falsum: 'et fax ignis' significat cupiditatum aestus: 'quae transivit inter segmenta illa' significat quod ille divisit illos, qui fuerunt ab Ecclesia cum Domino.

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