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属天的奥秘 第186节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]186. This is when we start to live, and at first things are happy and cheerful, since we feel we have entered on eternal life. This stage is represented by a brilliant light with a beautiful golden tinge, symbolizing the fact that our first stage of life is heavenly, with a touch of the spiritual.

Potts(1905-1910) 186

186. He then commences his life. This at first is happy and glad, for he seems to himself to have come into eternal life, which is represented by a bright white light that becomes of a beautiful golden tinge, by which is signified his first life, to wit, that it is celestial as well as spiritual.

Elliott(1983-1999) 186

186. At this point his life begins. At first it is happy and joyful, for he is conscious of having entered into eternal life. This is represented by a white light turning into a lovely shade of yellow, which symbolizes his initial life, that is to say, that it is celestial as well as spiritual.

Latin(1748-1756) 186

186. Tunc orditur vitam; quae primum est felix et laeta, videtur namque sibi in vitam aeternam venisse; quod repraesentatur per lumen candidum pulchre flavescens, quo significatur ejus vita prima, nempe quod caelestis cum spirituali.

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