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属天的奥秘 第1872节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1872. A beautiful, bright-faced girl appeared to me, moving quickly to the right, darting slightly upward as she went. She seemed to be in the first bloom of her years, since she was neither a child nor a full adult. Her clothing was black, shiny, and attractive. She skipped happily from one patch of light to another this way. I was told that this is what the inner levels of the Word are like as they begin to rise. The black clothes were the Word in its letter.
Later a young woman flew to my right cheek, but I could see her only with my inner eye. I was told that these are the things in the Word's inner sense that do not reach our consciousness.

Potts(1905-1910) 1872

1872. There appeared to me a beautiful girl with a radiant face, passing quickly upward toward the right, and making some haste. In age she seemed to be in the first bloom-not a child nor yet a young woman-becomingly clothed with a dress of shining black; so she was hastening on with gladness from light to light. It was said that the interiors of the Word are such in their first ascent; the black dress was the Word in the letter. Afterwards the young girl flew to my right cheek, but was perceivable only by the interior sight. It was said that such are the things from the internal sense of the Word which do not come to the comprehension.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1872

1872. There appeared before me a lovely girl whose face was radiant. She was moving swiftly in an upward direction towards the right and slightly increasing her speed. She looked to be in the flower of youth, being neither a small child nor yet a young woman; and she was wearing an attractive and shining black dress. In this manner and with gladness she hastened from light on into light. I was told that the interior things of the Word are such when they first start to rise up, the black dress being the Word in the letter. After this the young girl flew towards my right cheek, but I perceived her flight with my interior sight only. I was told that these are the things from the internal sense of the Word which do not come within human comprehension.

Latin(1748-1756) 1872

1872. Apparuit mihi puella pulchra et candida facie, pergens cito versu dextrum sursum, paulum accelerans, aetate ut in primo flore, non infans nec juvenis, veste nigra splendente decora, sic laeta festinabat a luce in lucem dictum quod interiora Verbi talia sint cum primum ascendunt; vestis nigra fuit Verbum in littera. Postea puella adolescens volabat ad dextram genam, sed visu solum interiore appercepta; dictum quod illa sint quae ex interno sensu Verbi ad captum non perveniunt.

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