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属天的奥秘 第1873节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1873. Some spirits were talking about the Word's inner sense. In order to present its nature intelligibly, they illustrated it by asking what the fruit of faith is, for example, and said that good deeds are the fruit of faith in an outward or literal sense. Good deeds, though, are lifeless if they are not the product of charity, so that the fruit of faith in its next deeper meaning is charity. Since charity (or love for one's neighbor) ought to come from love for the Lord, however, this is the fruit of faith in an even deeper sense. And since all love comes from the Lord, the fruit of faith is the Lord himself. Accordingly, good deeds hold charity, which holds love for the Lord, which holds the Lord himself.

Potts(1905-1910) 1873

1873. Spirits spoke respecting the internal sense of the Word; and in order that the nature of it might be presented to the understanding, it was illustrated by the example, What is the fruit of faith? And it was said that good works are the fruit of faith in the external sense or that of the letter, but that these good works have no life unless they proceed from charity; and that thus the fruit of faith in the proximate interior sense is charity. But as charity or love toward the neighbor ought to proceed from love to the Lord, this love is the fruit of faith in the internal sense; and as all love is from the Lord, it is the Lord Himself. For thus in the good work is charity; in charity is love to the Lord; and in love to the Lord is the Lord Himself.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1873

1873. Spirits once spoke about the internal sense of the Word, and to present the nature of that sense intelligibly, they illustrated it by means of the example, What are the fruits of faith? They said that in the external sense, or sense of the letter, good works are meant by the fruits of faith, but that those good works are soulless unless they spring from charity, and this being so, that in the proximate interior sense by the fruits of faith is meant charity. But because charity, or love towards the neighbour, ought to spring from love to the Lord, the latter is meant in the internal sense by the fruit of faith. And because all love derives from the Lord, it is the Lord Himself. Thus a good work holds charity within itself, charity holds love to the Lord within it, and love to the Lord holds the Lord Himself within it.

Latin(1748-1756) 1873

1873. Locuti sunt spiritus de sensu interno Verbi; ut sisteretur a intellectum, qualis est, illustrabatur per exemplum, quid fructus fidei, et dictum, quod bona opera sint fructus fidei in sensu externo seu litterae; se quod bona illa opera sint inanimata nisi procedant a charitate, et quod si fructus fidei in sensu proxime interiore sit charitas; sed quia charitas seu amor erga proximum procedere debet ex amore in Dominum, est hic fructus fidei in sensu interno; et quia omnis amor ex Domino, est Ipse Dominus; ita enim bono operi inest charitas, huic amor in Dominum, et in hoc Ipse Dominus.

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