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属天的奥秘 第1890节




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Potts(1905-1910) 1890

1890. THE CONTENTS The subject treated of in this chapter is the Lord's first rational, which was conceived by the influx of the internal man into the affection of memory-knowledges [scientiae] of the external. The internal man is "Abram;" the affection of memory-knowledges in the external is "Hagar the Egyptian handmaid;" the rational thence derived is "Ishmael." The nature of this rational is here described; and it is afterwards said (chapter 21) that it was expelled from the house, after the Lord's Divine rational, represented by Isaac, had been born.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1890



The subject in this chapter is the first rational with the Lord which was conceived from the influx of the Internal Man into the External Man's affection for knowledge. The Internal Man is Abram, while the External Man's affection for knowledge is Hagar the Egyptian servant-girl; and the rational born from these two is Ishmael. The nature of this rational is described, and further on, in Chapter 21, it is said that it was 'driven out of the house' after the Lord's Divine Rational represented by Isaac had been born.

Latin(1748-1756) 1890

1890. Agitur in hoc capite de primo rationali apud Dominum, quod conceptum ab {1} Interni Hominis influxu in affectionem scientiarum Externi: Internus Homo est `Abram': affectio scientiarum Externi est `ancilla Aegyptia Hagar': rationale (o)inde est `Ismael': quod quale fuit, describitur, et dein cap. xxi quod `expulsum domo,' postquam Divinum Rationale Domini repraesentatum per `Isacum,' natum est. @1 i et natum.$

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