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属天的奥秘 第1891节



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Potts(1905-1910) 1891

1891. The Lord's first rational was conceived according to order by the influx or conjunction of the internal man with the life of the affection of memory-knowledges belonging to the external (verses 1-3). But as this affection was of the external man, its nature was such that it held intellectual truth in low esteem (verse 4). On which account the Lord thought concerning the subjugation of it (verses 5-9), and that when subjugated, it would become spiritual and celestial (verses 10, 11). What it would be if not subjugated, is described (verse 12); the Lord's insight into the cause from His interior man (verses 13, 14). The rational is thus described in respect to its quality; also the Lord's state when it originated (verses 15, 16).

Elliott(1983-1999) 1891

1891. The Lord's first rational was conceived according to order through the inflowing, that is, through the joining of the Internal Man to the life of the affection for knowledge belonging to the External, verses 1-3. But because it was born from the External Man, it was by nature such as despised intellectual truth, verse 4. Therefore the Lord thought about it being brought into subjection, verses 5-9, and that once it had been brought into subjection it would become spiritual and celestial, verses 10, 11. The nature of it if it had not been brought into subjection is described, verse 1a. The Lord's insight from His Interior Man into the cause, verses 13, 14. Thus the rational as to its nature is described; also the Lord's state when this rational began, verses 15, 16.

Latin(1748-1756) 1891

1891. Quod Domini rationale primum juxta {1} ordinem conceptum sit per influxum, seu conjunctionem, Interni Hominis cum vita affectionis scientiarum quae Externi, vers. 1-3. Sed quia ab Externo homine, natura ejus talis fuit quod {2} vilipenderet verum intellectuale, vers. 4. Quare cogitavit Dominus de (c)illo subjugando vers. 5-9. Et quando subjugatum, quod spirituale et caeleste fieret, vers. 10, 11. Describitur quale foret si non subjugatum, vers. 12. Intuitio Domini ab Interiore suo Homine in causam, vers. 13, 14. Describitur sic rationale quoad ejus quale; tum status Domini cum ortum, vers. 15, 16. @1 secundum.$ @2 ut.$

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