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属天的奥秘 第2176节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2176

2176. Make ready quickly three measures of meal of fine flour, knead, and make cakes. That this signifies the celestial of His love in that state, is evident from the signification of "meal," "fine flour," and "cakes," which will be treated of in what next follows. That such things are involved, no one can believe who keeps his mind intent on the literal sense, or that of the words, still less if on the historical things described by them; for he is thinking not only about this preparation, but also about the men who came to Abraham, and not about these matters involving more secret things. This is the reason why he can still less believe that the historicals of the Word in every detail store up within them such arcana equally as do the propheticals; for the historicals draw the mind strongly to themselves, and darken the interiors. Nevertheless that there really are arcana deeply hidden in these historicals is evident from the mere fact that it is the Word of the Lord, written not only for man, but at the same time also for heaven; and this in such a manner, that when a man is reading it, the angels have heavenly ideas therefrom; so that in this way heaven is conjoined with the human race by means of the Word. What is meant in the internal sense by "meal," "fine flour," and "cakes," will now be shown.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2176

2176. 'Take quickly three measures of meal of fine flour, knead it, and make cakes' means the celestial existence of His love in that state This is clear from the meaning of 'meal', 'fine flour', and 'a cake', dealt with in the paragraph immediately after this. That such matters are embodied here no one can possibly believe who fixes his mind on the literal sense, or sense of the words, even less if he fixes it on the historical events described by them; for he will be thinking not only about what Sarah was told to prepare but also about the men who came to Abraham and not about there being deeper things hidden within these descriptions This is the reason why he is able to believe still less that arcana lie concealed in the historical sections of the Word as much as they do in prophetical parts. For historical descriptions draw the attention of the mind very much to themselves and obscure the things that are interior. Nevertheless the fact that arcana are present within those descriptions, hidden deeply within them, becomes clear from the single consideration that it is the Lord's Word, which has been written not only for man's benefit but at the same time for heaven's as well. Indeed it has been written in such a way that when man reads it, angels at the same time gain heavenly ideas from it; so that by means of the Word heaven is joined to the human race. What 'meal', 'fine flour', and 'cakes' are used to mean in the internal sense follows next.

Latin(1748-1756) 2176

2176. `Festina tria sata farinae similaginis, pinse, et fac placentas': quod significet caeleste amoris Ipsius in illo statu, constat ex significatione `farinae, similaginis et placentae,' de quibus in mox sequentibus; quod haec involvantur, nusquam aliquis qui in sensi litterali seu vocum, minus qui in historicis per illas descriptis animum tenet, credere potest; nam cogitat non solum de paratu hoc, sed etiam de viris qui ad Abrahamum venerunt, non autem de eo quod arcaniora involvant; quae causa est quod minus credere possit quod in singuli Verbi historicis {1} recondita sint arcana, aeque ac in propheticis; historica enim maxime ad se mentem attrahunt et interiora obfuscant; sed usque quod arcana illis insint, etiam penitus abscondita, ex eo solo constare potest quod Verbum Domini sit, scriptum non solum pro homine sed etiam simul pro caelo, et quidem ita ut cum homo illud legit, angeli tunc habeant inde caelestes ideas, ut {2} sic per Verbum conjunctum sit caelum cum humano genere. Quid per `farinam similaginem, et placentas' intelligatur in sensu interno, nunc sequitur. @1 historici.$ @2 et.$

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