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属天的奥秘 第2427节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2427

2427. Verse 20. Behold I pray this city is near to flee thither, and it is a little one; let me I pray escape thither-is it not a little one? And my soul shall live. "Behold I pray this city is near to flee thither," signifies that he might be permitted [to think and act] from the truth of faith; "and it is a little one," signifies from the little truth that he had; "let me I pray escape thither," signifies that from this small amount of truth it might be permissible to have regard to good; "is it not a little one?" signifies might he not have some little truth; "and my soul may live," signifies that so perchance he might be saved.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2427

2427. Verse 20 Behold now, this city is near to flee to it, and it is small. Let me, I beg you, escape to it (is it not small?) and let my soul live.

'Behold now, this city is near to flee to it' means he would be allowed [to think and act] from the truth of faith. 'And it is small' means from the small amount of it which he had. 'Let me, I beg you, escape to it' means that from that small amount of truth it is permitted to regard good. 'Is it not small?' means, Would he not have some small amount of it? 'And let my soul live' means that he would thus perhaps be saved.

Latin(1748-1756) 2427

2427. Vers. 20. Ecce quaeso urbs haec propinqua ad fugiendum illuc, et ea parva, eripiam me quaeso illuc, annon parva ea? et vivat anima mea. `Ecce quaeso urbs haec propinqua ad fugiendum illuc' significat quod liceret ex vero fidei: `et ea parva' significat quod ex parvo quod haberet: `eripiam me quaeso illuc' significat quod ex illo liceret spectare bonum: `annon parva ea?' significat annon aliquantulum haberet: `et vivat anima mea' significat quod sic fortassis salvaretur.

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