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属天的奥秘 第2546节


2546、“你对我们作的是什么事?我犯什么罪得罪了你”表示为这样思考而自责。这从这些话所包含的情绪和强烈感觉清楚可知(参看 2543节),因为理性官能和记忆知识或事实知识想起来并进入,以这种方式在信之教义,也就是神性中占据一席之地。

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Potts(1905-1910) 2546

2546. What hast thou done unto us? And wherein have I sinned against thee? That this signifies self-conviction for having so thought, is evident from the emotion and zeal in these words (see n. 2543), on account of the faculties of reason and memory-knowledge desiring to rise up and enter, and thus to have some share in the doctrine of faith, which is Divine.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2546

2546. 'What have you done to us, and what sin have I committed against you?' means reproving Himself for having thought in this fashion. This becomes clear from the emotion and the strong feeling which these words contain, referred to just above in 2543, on account of the fact that the rational and the factual wished to rise up and enter in, and in so doing to share in the doctrine of faith, which is Divine.

Latin(1748-1756) 2546

2546. `Quid fecisti nobis, et quid peccavi tibi': quod significet redarguitionem Sui quod sic cogitaverit, constare potest ex affectu et zelo in his verbis, de quo mox prius n. 2543, propter id quod rationale et scientificum vellet exsurgere et intrare, et sic aliquid commune habere in doctrina fidei, quae est Divina.

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