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属天的奥秘 第2543节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2543

2543. The men feared greatly. That this signifies even until they should become averse, is evident from the signification here of "fearing;" and from the signification of the "men." "Fearing," or "fear," like all other emotions, though in appearance simple, involves in itself many things, namely, in worldly matters the loss of life, of reputation, of honor, and of gain; and in heavenly matters the loss of what is good and true, and of the life thence derived. As fear involves these things it also involves aversion to whatever endeavors to destroy them; and this the more in proportion as the man is in the affection of what is good and true. To this very affection aversion is the opposite or contrary, and therefore by "fearing" is here signified to become averse. How great was the Lord's aversion is evident from the zeal with which the things in the next verse are said; which zeal was for doctrine, that it might be free from contamination by anything rational or by anything of memory-knowledge. (That "men" signify rational things and memory-knowledges, or all intellectual things whatever, has been shown above, n. 158, 265, 749, 915, 1007.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 2543

2543. 'The men were very much afraid' means until they should become averse. This is clear from the meaning here of 'being afraid' and from the meaning of 'men'. As with every emotion, being afraid or fear includes many things within it, even though it looks to be simple and without parts. That is to say, this fear includes loss of life, or reputation, or position, or gain in worldly things, but also loss of good and truth, and so of life, in heavenly things. And because it includes these, it also includes aversion to those things which endeavour to destroy them; and this is all the more the case when an affection itself for what is good and true exists with a person. Such aversion is the opposite of the affection and therefore 'being afraid' here means feeling aversion. The greatness of the Lord's aversion is clear from the strong feeling with which things are stated in the next verse, a strong feeling that doctrine should not be debased by anything of a rational or factual kind. For 'men' means rational concepts and factual knowledge, that is, everything that belongs to the understanding part of the mind, as has been shown in 158, 265, 749, 915, 1007.

Latin(1748-1756) 2543

2543. Quod `timuerunt viri valde' significet quod usque ut aversarentur, constat ex significatione `timere' hic, et a significatione `virorum': timere seu timor plura in se, sicut omnis affectus, involvit, tametsi apparet simplex, nempe jacturam vitae, famae, honoris, lucri in mundanis, at jacturam boni et veri, et inde vitae, in caelestibus; et quia haec, etiam involvit aversationem pro illis quae destruere ea conantur, et hoc quo magis homo in affectione boni et veri est; ipsi affectioni opposita est aversatio, quare hic per timere significatur aversari; quanta aversatio fuerit Domino, constat ex zelo in quo dicta sunt illa quae in versu nunc sequente, qui zelus fuit pro doctrina ut incontaminata esset ab omni rationali et scientifico: quod `viri' significent rationalia et scientifica, seu intellectualia quaecumque, n. 158, 265, 749, 915, 1007 ostensum est.

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