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属天的奥秘 第2551节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2551

2551. What sawest thou that thou hast done this word? That this signifies a looking into the cause, is evident without explication; as well as from what follows, where the cause is stated. The reason of there being thus presented in regular order, in the internal sense, how the Lord perceived and thought concerning the doctrine of faith, and concerning the rational as to whether it should be consulted, is that it is angelic to think of these things in such a series. The internal sense of the Word is especially for the angels; and therefore is adapted to their perceptions and thoughts. They are in their delightful, nay, in their blessed and happy states, when they are thinking about the Lord, His Divine and His Human, and how the Human was made Divine; for they are encompassed with a celestial and spiritual sphere which is full of the Lord; so that it may be said that they are in the Lord. Hence nothing is more blessed and happy to them than to think in accordance with the things that belong to that sphere and its derivative affection. [2] At the same time, moreover, they are instructed and perfected, especially in this: how the Lord by degrees and of His own power, as He grew up, made Divine the human into which He was born; and thus how, by means of the knowledges that He revealed to Himself He perfected His rational, dispersed by successive steps its shadows, and introduced it into Divine light. These and innumerable other things are presented before the angels in a celestial and spiritual manner, with a thousand and a thousand representatives, in the light of life, when the Word is being read. But these things, which are so precious to the angels, are to men as of no importance, because above their comprehension, and thus in the shade of their understanding; and on the other hand, the things that are precious to men, such as those which contain within them worldly matters, are of no importance to the angels, because below their state and thus in the shade of their wisdom. Thus, wonderful to say, the things that come to shade with man, and almost into contempt, with the angels pass into light, and into their affection, as is the case with many things of the internal sense of the Word.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2551

2551. 'What did you see, that you have done this thing?' means a looking into the cause. This is evident without explanation, as well as from what follows where the cause is stated. The reason ideas of how the Lord perceived and thought regarding the doctrine of faith, and regarding the rational, whether it should be consulted, are presented in that particular order in the internal sense is that it is angel-like to think about them in such a sequence. The internal sense of the Word exists in particular for angels, and has accordingly been rendered suitable to their perceptions and thoughts. For them these are experiences of delight, indeed of bliss and of happiness, when they are thinking about the Lord, about His Divinity and His Humanity, and about how the latter was made Divine. For when thinking about these they are encompassed by a celestial and spiritual sphere which is filled with the Lord, so that it may be said of them that they are in the Lord. Consequently nothing is more blissful and happy for them than to think in accordance with those things which belong to that sphere and to the affection resulting from this. What is more, they are at the same time instructed and perfected, in particular in the matter of how as He grew up the Lord by degrees and from His own power made Divine the human into which He had been born, and thus how, by means of knowledge and cognitions which He revealed to Himself, He perfected His rational, gradually dispelled its shadows, and brought it into Divine light. When the Word is being read, these and countless other realities are presented to angels in a celestial and spiritual fashion, together with thousands and thousands of representatives in the light of life. But these matters which to angels are so precious are to men of little importance since they are above and beyond them and so are lost in the darkened parts of their understanding. Conversely those which are precious to men, such as hold worldly matters within them, are to angels of little importance since they are beneath their state of existence and so are lost in the darkened parts of their wisdom. Thus, wondrous to tell, the very things which enter the darkened parts of man's mind, and almost into his contempt, pass into the light angels enjoy and into their affection, as do many things which belong to the internal sense of the Word.

Latin(1748-1756) 2551

2551. `Quid vidisti quod feceris verbum hoc?': quod significet intuitionem in causam, patet absque explicatione, tum ab iis qua sequuntur ubi causa dicitur. Quod ita ordine in sensu interno sistatur quomodo Dominus perceperit et cogitaverit de doctrina fidei, et de rationali num consuleretur, causa est quia angelicum est de illis in tali serie cogitare. Verbi sensus internus (t)est imprimis pro angelis, ita eorum perceptionibus et cogitationibus adaptatus; in suis delectabilibus, immo beatis et felicibus sunt, cum de Domino, Ipsius Divino e Humano, et de hoc quomodo Divinum factum, cogitant, nam circumfunduntur sphaera caelesti et spirituali quae plena est Domino, ita ut dici queat quod sint in Domino, inde nihil beatius et felicius es illis quam secundum illa quae sphaerae sunt et affectionis inde, cogitare simul etiam tunc instruuntur et perficiuntur, in eo imprimis quomodo Dominus per gradus sicut adolevit, humanum in quod natus, Divinum ex propria potentia fecerit, ita quomodo per scientias et cognitione' quas Sibi Ipsi revelavit, rationale Suum perfecit, umbras ejus successive discussit, et illud in Divinam lucem immisit: haec et innumerabili alia sistuntur coram angelis caelesti et spirituali modo cum mille e mille repraesentativis in luce vitae, cum Verbum legitur. Sed haec quae angelis tam pretiosa, sunt hominibus sicut levia, quia supra captum, ita in umbra eorum intellectus {1}; et vicissim, quae (o)sunt hominibus pretiosa, ut sunt illa in quibus mundana, sunt angelis levia, quia infra statum, ita in umbra eorum sapientiae; (m)ita {2}, quod mirus' quae veniunt in umbram hominis, et paene in ejus contemptum, illa transeunt in lucem angelorum et in affectionem, ut sunt plura quae sensus interni Verbi sunt.' @1 i sunt.$ @2 nam.$

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