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属天的奥秘 第2552节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2552

2552. Abraham said. That this signifies a perception which is an answer, is evident from the signification of "saying" in the historicals of the Word, as explained many times before (n. 1791, 1815, 1819, 1822, 1898, 1919, 2061, 2080, 2238, 2260, 2271, 2287). With regard to the Lord's thought from the doctrine of faith being signified by the words "Abimelech said to Abraham;" and the perception which was an answer being meant by "Abraham said," the case is this: perception is a higher thing, and the Lord had it from the Divine Itself; whereas thought is a lower thing, and the Lord had it from the intellectual itself; and as it was perception from which He had the thought, so the answer of the thought was from perception. This may be illustrated by something similar with man. The celestial man cannot think except from perception, nor the spiritual man except from conscience (n. 2515). The perception of the former, like the conscience [of the latter] is from the Lord, and it is not apparent to the man himself whence it is; but his thought is from the rational, and appears to him as from himself. And so again, when a man is thinking concerning any subject from the rational, then the conclusion of the thought, or the answer, comes either from perception or from conscience; consequently an answer is given him by the Lord in accordance with his state of life, his affection, and the truth of doctrine implanted or impressed in agreement therewith.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2552

2552. 'Abraham said' means a perception, which constituted a reply. This is clear from the meaning in historical narratives of the Word of 'saying', dealt with many times already, as in 1791, 1815, 1819, 1822, 1898, 1919, 2061, 2080, 2238, 2260, 2271, 2287. As regards the Lord's thought from the doctrine of faith being meant by the expression 'Abimelech said to Abraham' but a perception which constituted a reply, by the expression 'Abraham said', the position is that perception is something higher, which in the Lord's case was from the Divine itself, whereas thought is something lower, which in the Lord's case was from the understanding itself. And because it was perception from which His thought sprang, so was the reply possessed by His thought derived from perception. This may be illustrated by means of something similar with man. The celestial man is unable to think except from perception, and the spiritual is unable to do so except from conscience, 2515. The perception of the celestial man, like the conscience [of the spiritual], originates in the Lord, though to the individual himself it is not apparent where it comes from; but his thought springs from the rational and seems to him to originate in himself. Thus again when he thinks about any matter from the rational the conclusion within his thought, or the reply, comes either from perception or from conscience. Consequently any reply which he receives from the Lord is conditioned by his own state of life, by his affection, and by the truth of doctrine implanted or imprinted in conformity with these.

Latin(1748-1756) 2552

2552. `Dixit Abraham': quod significet perceptionem quae responsum, constat ex significatione `dicere' in historicis Verbi; {1} de qua multoties prius, ut n. 1791, 1815, 1819, 1822, 1898, 1919, 2061, 2080, 2238, 2260, 2271, 2287. Quod cogitatio Domini ex doctrina fidei significetur per quod `dixit Abimelech ad Abrahamum,' at perceptio quae responsum, per quod `(t)dixit Abrahamus,' ita se habet: perceptio est superius et fuit Domino ex ipso Divino, sed cogitatio est inferius, et fuit Domino ex ipso intellectuali; et quia perceptio erat ex qua cogitatio, ita {2} responsum cogitationis erat ex perceptione; hoc illustrari potest per aliquod instar apud hominem; homo caelestis non `potest cogitare' nisi ex {3} perceptione, et homo spiritualis non nisi ex {3} conscientia, n. 2515; perceptio illius sicut conscientia est ex Domino, et non ipsi apparet unde est, sed cogitatio ejus est ex rationali et apparet ei sicut ex se; ita quoque cum cogitat de aliqua re ex rationali, tunc conclusio cogitationis seu responsum venit ex perceptione seu ex conscientia; proinde respondetur ei a Domino secundum statum ejus vitae, affectionem, et doctrinae verum conformiter implantatum seu impressum. @1 i quod sit percipere et cogitare.$ @2 inde.$ @3 i quam.$

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