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属天的奥秘 第2592节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2592

2592. There was present with me a certain person* who was formerly among the more wise, and was thereby well known in the learned world. I conversed with him on various subjects, and as I knew that he had been a wise man, I spoke with him concerning wisdom, intelligence, order, the Word, and finally concerning the Lord. Concerning wisdom he said that there is no other wisdom than that which is of life, and that wisdom can be predicated of nothing else. Concerning intelligence he said that it was from wisdom. Concerning order he said that it is from the Supreme God, and that to live in that order is to be wise and intelligent. [2] As regards the Word, when I read to him something from the prophecies, he was very greatly delighted, especially from the fact that each of the names and each of the words signified interior things, wondering greatly that the learned of this day are not delighted with such a study. I plainly perceived that the interiors of his thought or mind had been opened, and at the same time that those of certain Christians who were present had been closed; for ill will against him prevailed with them, and also unbelief that the Word is of this nature. Nay, when I went on reading the Word he said that he could not be present, because he perceived it to be too holy for him to endure, so interiorly was he affected. The Christians on the other hand said aloud that they could be present; and this was because their interiors had been closed, and therefore the holy things did not affect them. [3] At length I talked with him about the Lord; that He was born a man, but was conceived of God; that He had put off the human and had put on the Divine; and that it is He who governs the universe. To this he made answer that he knew many things about the Lord, and had perceived in his own way that it could not have been done otherwise if the human race was to be saved. Meantime certain wicked Christians injected various difficulties, for which he did not care, saying that it was not surprising, because they had become imbued in the life of the body with unbecoming ideas respecting these things, and that until such ideas were dispersed they could not admit things confirmatory, as could those who are ignorant. This man was a Gentile. * Probably Cicero; see Heaven and Hell, n. 322. [REVISER.]

Elliott(1983-1999) 2592

2592. Present with me there was a certain person who in the past had been one of those with more wisdom than others and was for that reason well-known in the learned world. I spoke to him on various subjects.a Knowing that he was a wise man I talked to him about wisdom, about intelligence, about order, about the Word, and finally about the Lord. Of wisdom he said that no other wisdom existed except that which had to do with life and that wisdom could not have reference to anything else. Of intelligence he said it had its origin in wisdom. Of order he said that order had its origin in the supreme God and that living within that order was being wise and intelligent.

[2] As regards the Word, when I read to him something from the prophetical parts he was extremely delighted, above all with the fact that individual names and individual expressions meant things that were interior. He was utterly amazed that the learned nowadays take no delight in studying matters such as this. I perceived clearly that the interior parts of his thought or mind had been opened, and at the same time that those of certain Christians who were present had been closed, for with these Christians there reigned ill-will towards him and lack of belief that the Word was of such a nature. Indeed when I continued reading the Word he said that he could not remain because he perceived something more sacred than he could endure, being stirred inwardly by so much feeling. The Christians on the other hand said quite openly that they were able to remain; and the reason why they were able to do so was that their interiors had been closed and sacred things did not stir any such feelings within them.

[3] At length I spoke to him about the Lord, that He was born a man but conceived from God, that He cast off the human and put on the Divine, and that it is He who rules over all. To these points he replied that he knew many things about the Lord, and in his own way recognized that if the human race was to be saved it could not have been done in any other way. During this time certain bad Christians were introducing various objections, but to these he paid no attention, saying that it was not surprising that they did so, for during their lifetime they had absorbed obnoxious ideas regarding these matters and that unlike the ignorant they could not admit things of a confirmatory nature until these ideas had been dispersed. This person had been a gentile.


a In Heaven and Hell 322 Sw. says that he was led to believe that this spirit was Cicero.

Latin(1748-1756) 2592

2592. Fuit apud me quidam qui olim inter sapientiores fuit, et quoque inde notus in orbe erudito, cum quo de variis locutus sum; et quia cognovi quod sapiens fuerat, sermo fuit cum illo de sapientia, de intelligentia, de ordine, de Verbo, et demum de Domino: de sapientia dixit, quod non alia sapientia detur quam quae est vitae, et quod de alia re sapientia praedicari nequeat: de intelligentia, quod illa sit inde: de ordine, quod ordo sit a supremo Deo, et quod vivere in illo ordine, sit sapiens et intelligens esse: [2] quod Verbum attinet, cum praelegerem illi aliquid ex Propheticis, delectatus est quam maxime, praecipue ex eo quod singula nomina et singulae voces significarent interiori miratus valde quod eruditi hodie non delectentur tali studio; percepi manifeste quod interiora ejus cogitationis seu mentis aperta essent, et tunc simul quibusdam Christianis qui aderant, clausa; regnabat enim apud hos invidia contra eum, et incredulitas quod Verbum esset tale; immo cum pergerem legere Verbum, dixit quod non adesse posset, quia sanctius perciperet quam ut possit sustinere, ita enim interius afficiebatur; contra autem Christiani dicebant aperta voce quod adesse possent, ex causa quia interiora iis clausa essent, et sancta eos non afficerent. [3] Tandem fuit sermo cum illo de Domino quod natus sit homo sed conceptus a Deo, et quod exuerit humanum et induerit Divinum, et quod Ille sit Qui universum regit; ad haec respondit quod plura sciat de Domino, et appercepit suo modo quod non aliter fieri potuisset salvaretur genus humanum; interea quidam Christiani mali infundebant varia scandala, sed illa non curabat, dicens quod non mirum sit, quia imbuerunt in vita corporis de illis non talia sicut decet, et quod antequam talia discussa fuerint, non admittere possent illa quae confirmant, sicut ii qui ignorant {1}. Hic fuerat gentilis. @1 ignorarunt.$

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