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属天的奥秘 第2615节


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Potts(1905-1910) 2615

2615. THE INTERNAL SENSE Verse 1. And Jehovah visited Sarah, as he had said; and Jehovah did unto Sarah as He had spoken. "Jehovah visited Sarah," signifies the presence of the Divine celestial in the Divine spiritual; "as He had said," signifies as He had perceived; "and Jehovah did unto Sarah," signifies the state of unition; "as He had spoken" signifies as He had thought.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2615


Verse 1 And Jehovah visited Sarah as He had said, and Jehovah did to Sarah as He had spoken.

'Jehovah visited Sarah' means the presence of the Divine celestial within the Divine spiritual. 'As He had said' means as He had perceived. 'And Jehovah did to Sarah' means a state when the two existed united together. 'As He had spoken' means as He had thought.

Latin(1748-1756) 2615


Vers. 1. Et Jehovah visitavit Saram, quemadmodum dixit; et fecit Jehovah Sarae, quemadmodum locutus est. `Jehovah visitavit Saram' significat praesentiam Divini caelestis in Divino spirituali: `quemadmodum dixit' significat sicut perceperat: `et fecit Jehovah Sarae' significat statum unitionis: `quemadmodum locutus est' significat sicut cogitavit.

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