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属天的奥秘 第2620节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2620

2620. Verse 2. And Sarah conceived and bare Abraham a son in his old age, at the appointed time, as God had spoken with him. She "conceived and bare," signifies that it was and came forth; "Sarah bare Abraham," signifies from the unition of the Lord's Divine spiritual with His Divine celestial; "a son" signifies the Divine rational; "in his old age," signifies when the days were fulfilled that He should put off the human; "at the appointed time," signifies when the rational was such as to receive; "as God had spoken with him," signifies as He had willed.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2620

2620. Verse 2 And Sarah conceived and bore to Abraham a son in his old age, at the appointed time, as God had spoken to him.

'Conceived and bore' means received essential being and was given manifestation. 'Sarah to Abraham' means from the Lord's Divine spiritual united to His Divine celestial. 'A son' means the Divine Rational. 'In his old age' means when the days had been completed for the human to be cast off. 'At the appointed time' means when the Rational was such that it was receptive. 'As God had spoken to him' means as He had willed.

Latin(1748-1756) 2620

2620. Vers. 2. Et concepit et peperit Sarah Abrahamo filium senectuti illius, ad tempus statum, ut locutus fuit cum illo Deus. `Concepit et peperit' significat quod esset et existeret: `Sarah Abrahamo' significat ex unitione Divini spiritualis cum Divino caelesti (o)Domini: significat Divinum Rationale `senectuti illius' significat cum dies completi essent ut exueretur humanum: `ad tempus statum' significat cum Rationale tale esset ut reciperet: `ut locutus fuit cum illo Deus' significat sicut voluit.

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