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属天的奥秘 第2621节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2621

2621. That "conceived and bare" signifies that it Was and Came forth, namely (as follows) the Divine rational, from the unition of the Lord's Divine spiritual with His Divine celestial, is evident from the signification of "conceiving and bearing." That in the internal sense of the Word no other conceptions and bearings are meant than those which are spiritual and celestial, may be seen above (n. 2584); but here those which were Divine, because the subject here treated of is the Lord's rational made Divine; and of Him, namely, the Lord, Being and Coming forth [Esse et Existere] are chiefly predicated; for He alone Is and Comes forth. As regards Being and Coming forth (Esse et Existere) we may add that they seem as if they were nearly the same, but are not the same. Every person and every thing, has its Being from conception, but its Coming forth from birth; and thus, as conception is prior to birth, so Being is prior to Coming forth. [2] The soul is the Being itself of man, and the sensitive or corporeal faculty is its Coming forth, for the former comes forth in the latter. Celestial and spiritual love are the very Being of the man who is being regenerated; and the rational and sensitive faculties, when imbued with that love, are his Coming forth. And so it is with each and all things in the universe; for there is nothing whatever which has not its conception that it may Be, and its birth that it may Come forth; which may also be illustrated in the terms of philosophy by saying that every effect has its cause, and every cause has its end. The end is the Being of the cause, and the cause is the Coming forth of the end. In the same way, the cause is the Being of the effect, and the effect is the Coming forth of the cause.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2621

2621. That 'conceived and bore' means received essential being and was given manifestation - that is to say, the Divine Rational received and was given these from the Lord's Divine spiritual united to His Divine celestial - is clear from the meaning of 'conceiving and bearing'. The fact that no other kind of conceptions and bearings or childbirths is meant in the internal sense of the Word but spiritual and celestial ones, see 2584. But here Divine conceivings and bearings are meant because the subject is the Lord's Rational when it had been made Divine; to Him, that is, to the Lord, are Being and Manifestation pre-eminently attributable since He alone has [underived] Being and Manifestation. In addition to this, Being and Manifestation appear to be almost the same as each other, but they are not. Every person or thing receives Being by conception but Manifestation by being born; so that Being is prior to Manifestation as conception is prior to birth.

[2] The soul constitutes a person's essential Being, while the powers of the -senses or the body constitute the Manifestation of it; for the former manifests itself in the latter. Celestial and spiritual love is the Being itself of one who is being regenerated, while the rational part and the sensory part of him - when these are endowed with that love - are the Manifestation of it. The same may be said of every single thing in the universe, for nothing ever exists without conception to give it Being and birth to give it Manifestation. This may also be illustrated for learned people from the idea that every effect has its cause, and every cause has its end. The end is the Being of the cause, and the cause is the Manifestation of the end. In the same way the cause is the Being of the effect, and the effect is the Manifestation of the cause.

Latin(1748-1756) 2621

2621. {1} Quod `concepit et peperit' significet quod esset et existere nempe, ut sequitur, Divinum Rationale ex unitione Divini spiritualis cum Divino caelesti Domini, constat ex significatione `concipere parere': quod non alii conceptus et partus in sensu interno Verbi intelligantur quam spirituales et caelestes, videatur n. 2584; hic autem Divini, quia agitur de Rationali Domini Divino facto, de Quo, nempe Domino, principaliter praedicatur Esse et Existere, nam Solus Est Existit. Quod praeterea Esse et Existere attinet, apparent sicut forent paene idem, sed non sunt; unusquisque et unumquodvis a conceptione habet suum Esse, a partu autem suum Existere, ita, sicut conceptio est prior quam partus, est Esse prius quam Existere: [2] anima est ipsum Esse hominis, at sensitivum seu corporeum est illius Existere, nam illa existit in hoc: amor caelestis et spiritualis est ipsum Esse hominis qui regeneratur, at rationale et sensitivum, cum imbutum est amore illo, est illius Existere; ita se habet cum omnibus et singulis in universo, nam nihil usquam datur quod non habet suam conceptionem ut Sit, et suum partum ut Existat; quod ex eo etiam illustrari potest, sed coram eruditis, omnis effectus habet suam causam, et omnis causa habet suum finem; finis est Esse causae, et {2} causa est Existere finis pariter causa est Esse effectus, sed effectus est Existere causae. @1 There are three deleted drafts preceding this [ ] in A (see Appendix volume).$ @2 sed.$

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