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属天的奥秘 第2624节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2624

2624. In his old age. That this signifies when the days were fulfilled that the human should be put off, is evident from the signification of "old age," as being the state when the human should be put off and the Divine put on (see n. 2198); for Abraham was at that time a hundred years old; and by this number is signified a full state of unition, as will be seen in the explication at verse 5.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2624

2624. 'In his old age' means when the days had been completed for the human to be cast off. This becomes clear from the meaning of 'old age' as the state when He was to cast off the human and to put on the Divine, dealt with in 2198. For Abraham was at that time a hundred years old, a number which means a full and complete state of union, as will be clear from the explanation of verse 5.

Latin(1748-1756) 2624

2624. `Senectuti illius': quod significet cum dies completi sunt ut exueretur humanum, constare potest a significatione `senectutis' quod sit status ut exueretur humanum et indueretur Divinum, de qua n. 2198; erat enim tunc Abraham senex centum annorum, per quem numerum quod plenus status unitionis significetur, in explicatione ad vers. 5 constabit.

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