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属天的奥秘 第2634节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2634

2634. As God had commanded him. That this signifies according to Divine order, is evident from the signification of "God commanding," or of His precepts. God's precepts, or the things which God has commanded, are all things that are of Divine order both in general and in particular; so that Divine order is nothing but the perpetual precept of God; and therefore to live according to the precepts of God, and to live in the precepts of God, is to live according to Divine order and in Divine order. Hence it is that by "as God commanded," is signified according to Divine order. It was according to Divine order that every male should be circumcised on the eighth day from his birth; not that circumcision was of any avail, or that they who were circumcised would enter into the kingdom of God before the uncircumcised; but because in the representative church such a rite corresponded to the purification of the heart; which correspondence will of the Lord's Divine mercy be spoken of elsewhere. It is of Divine order that the heart, that is, man's interiors, should be purified gradually and continually from the evils of cupidities, and from the falsities of the phantasies thence derived. The precepts relating to the purification of the heart are all things of Divine order both in general and in particular. Insofar therefore as a man lives in those precepts, so far he lives in Divine order; and insofar as he lives in this, so far all things in him, both of reason and memory, are disposed by the Lord according to the order which is from Him in the heavens. Hence the man becomes a little heaven corresponding to the greatest.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2634

2634. 'As God had commanded' means according to Divine order. This is clear from the meaning of 'God commending' or of commandments. God's commandments, or the things which God has commanded, constitute Divine order wholly and in every single detail, so much so that Divine order is nothing else than the everlasting commandment of God. Consequently living according to God's commandments and within God's commandments is doing so according to Divine order and within Divine order. Hence the phrase used here - 'God commanded' - means according to Divine order. It was according to Divine order that every male should be circumcised on the eighth day after he had been born. It was not that circumcision in itself would accomplish anything or that those who had been circumcised would enter the kingdom of God before the uncircumcised did; but it was according to Divine order because such a religious practice in the representative Church corresponded to purification of the heart - which correspondence will in the Lord's Divine mercy be spoken of elsewhere. It is according to Divine order that the heart, that is, a person interiorly, should be purified gradually and constantly from the evils present in his desires and from the falsities present in the delusions resulting from those desires. Commandments concerning the purification of the heart constitute Divine order wholly and in every single detail. To the extent therefore that a person is living within those commandments he lives within Divine order; and to the extent he is living within Divine order, all that resides with him is arranged by the Lord according to the order, originating in Him, which exists in the heavens. That is to say, both the person's rational concepts and his factual knowledge are so arranged by Him. In this way a person becomes a miniature heaven corresponding to the larger one.

Latin(1748-1756) 2634

2634. `Quemadmodum praecepit Deus: quod significet secundum ordinem Divinum, constat ex significatione `praecipere Deus,' seu praeceptorum; praecepta Dei, seu quae praecepit Deus, sunt omnia et singula Divini ordinis, usque adeo ut Divinus ordo non sit nisi perpetuam praeceptum Dei; quare secundum praecepta Dei et in praeceptis Dei vivere, est secundum ordinem Divinum (c)et in ordine Divino; inde est quod per `praecepit Deus' hic significetur secundum ordinem Divinum. Secundum ordinem Divinum fuit quod omnis masculus a nativitate octavo die circumcideretur {1}, non quod circumcisio aliquid faceret, seu qui circumcisi, prae incircumcisis intrarent in regnum Dei; sed quia talis ritus in Ecclesia repraesentativa correspondebat purificationi cordis, de qua correspondentia, ex Divina Domini Misericordia, alibi dicetur: quod cor, hoc est, {2} interiora hominis, successive et continue a malis quae sunt cupiditatum et a falsis quae sunt phantasiarum inde, purificanda, est secundum ordinem Divinum, praecepta de purificatione cordis sunt omnia et singula ordinis Divini; quantum itaque homo in praeceptis illis, tantum in ordine Divino, vivit; et quantum in hoc, tantum apud eum omnia {3} a Domino disponuntur secundum ordinem qui ab Ipso in caelis, tam nempe ejus rationalia quam scientifica; inde fit homo exiguum caelum (t)correspondens maximo. @1 After masculus.$ @2 i quod.$ @3 omnia apud eum.$

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