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属天的奥秘 第270节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]270. The symbolism of eating from the ground in great pain as life in an unhappy condition stands out clearly from the verses that come before and after. In addition, the deeper sense of eating is living. Furthermore, an unhappy life is the kind that follows when evil spirits start to attack and the angels with us begin to struggle. Life becomes even more unhappy later when the evil spirits start to take command. Those spirits then control our outer self and angels control our inner self, of which so little is left that the angels can hardly cull anything from it to defend us with. The consequence is misery and distress.
People who are spiritually dead rarely feel that kind of misery and distress because they are no longer human, even though they consider themselves more human than others. They have no greater ability to recognize what spiritual and heavenly qualities are or what eternal life is than a brute animal. Like an animal they face down toward the things of earth, or they turn their attention outward to worldly affairs. They foster their own interests exclusively and indulge their tastes and their senses. To all this their rational mind wholly consents. As they are dead, they would be unable to hold up under any onslaught or trial. If trouble came on them, it would weigh them down too much to allow continued life. In this way they would bring still greater curses on themselves and rush headlong into a damnation even more profoundly hellish. For this reason they are spared until they cross over into the other life, where trials and unhappiness retain no power to kill them. Then they undergo severe troubles. This likewise is what is symbolized by the words a curse on the ground and in great pain will you eat from it.

Potts(1905-1910) 270

270. That to "eat of the ground in great sorrow" signifies a miserable state of life, is evident from what precedes and follows, not to mention that to "eat" in the internal sense, is to live. The same is evident also from the fact that such a state of life ensues when evil spirits begin to fight, and the attendant angels to labor. This state of life becomes more miserable when evil spirits begin to obtain the dominion; for they then govern the external man, and the angels only the internal man, of which so little remains that they can scarcely take anything thence with which to defend the man; hence arise misery and anxiety. Dead men are seldom sensible of such misery and anxiety, because they are no longer men, although they think themselves more truly so than others; for they know no more than the brutes of what is spiritual and celestial, and what is eternal life, and like them they look downward to earthly things, or outward to worldly ones; they favor only their Own, and indulge their inclinations and senses with the entire concurrence of the rational. Being dead, they sustain no spiritual combat or temptation, and were they exposed to it their life would sink under its weight, and they could thereby curse themselves still more, and precipitate themselves still more deeply into infernal damnation: hence they are spared this until their entrance into the other life, where, being no longer in danger of dying in consequence of any temptation or misery, they endure most grievous sufferings, which likewise are here signified by the ground being cursed, and eating of it in great sorrow.

Elliott(1983-1999) 270

270. 'Eating from the ground in great pain' means a wretched state of life. This is evident from what comes before and after this, as well as from the fact that 'eating' in the internal sense means living. It is evident also from the fact that this kind of life is the outcome of evil spirits starting to fight, and of angels present with the man who labour and do so increasingly as evil spirits begin to get the upper hand. The evil spirits in this case govern his external man, the angels his internal, of which so little is left that the angels can find scarcely anything therewith which to defend him. This is what gives rise to wretchedness and anguish. The reason 'dead' men rarely experience such wretchedness and anguish is that they are no longer human, though they imagine that they are more human than anybody else. For they no more know than an animal does what the spiritual or the celestial is, or what eternal life is. Like animals they look down towards earthly objects or out towards worldly ones. They favour only their proprium, and give in to their own inclinations and senses, with complete acquiescence of the rational. And being 'dead' men they would not endure any conflict or temptation. Were temptation to come their way, it would be too severe for their lives to bear, and so they would bring an even greater curse upon themselves and would hurl themselves into a state of condemnation even more profoundly hellish. Consequently they are spared this until they have passed into the next life when they are no longer able to 'die' as a result of any temptation and wretchedness. At that time they suffer very grievously, which is likewise meant by the statement about 'the ground being cursed and man's eating of it in great pain'.

Latin(1748-1756) 270

270. Quod 'edere in magno dolore de humo' significet statum vitae miserabilem, conspicitur ab iis quae praecedunt et sequuntur praeter quod 'edere' in sensu interno sit vivere; tum ab eo quod talis vita sequatur, cum mali spiritus pugnare incipiunt, et angeli qui apud eum, laborare; magis dein cum mali spiritus dominari incohant: spiritus mali tunc regunt externum ejus hominem, angeli internum, de quo parum superest, vix ut angeli aliquid inde possint desumere quo defendant; inde miseria et anxietas. Quod mortui homines raro talem miseriam et anxietatem sentiant, causa est quia non amplius homines sunt, tametsi se putant homines esse prae aliis; nam non magis quam bruta norunt quid spirituale et caeleste et quid vita aeterna; similiter spectant deorsum ad terrestria aut extrorsum ad mundana; modo favent proprio et indulgent genio et sensibus, consentiente omni rationali; et quia mortui, non sustinerent aliquam pugnam aut tentationem; quae si superveniret, gravior esset quam ut vivere possent, et sic sibi adhuc magis maledicerent, inque damnationem adhuc profundius infernalem se praecipitarent; quare parcitur iis usque dum in alteram vitam transiverint, ubi non amplius ex aliqua tentatione et miseria mori possunt; tunc gravissima sustinent; quae similiter significantur per haec, quod 'maledicta humus, et in magno dolore ederet de ea.'

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