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属天的奥秘 第274节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]274. The fact that eating the grass of the field, or fodder found in the wild, is living like an animal can be seen from Nebuchadnezzar's story in Daniel:
They will drive you away from humanity, and your dwelling place will be with the beast of the field. They will make you eat grass like cattle, and seven seasons will pass over you. (Daniel 4:32)
In Isaiah:
Have you not heard? From far away I did this, from the days of old, and I formed it. Now I have caused it to come, and it will be for tearing down bulwarks, fortified cities, into heaps. And their residents, their hand shortened, have felt panic and shame. They have become field grass, and green grass, the grain plant on the roofs,{*1} and a plowed field burnt out in front of the standing crop. (Isaiah 37:26-27)
This explains what field grass and what green grass, the grain plant on the roofs, and a plowed field burnt out mean. It is referring to the time before the Flood, as implied by the words far off and days of old.

{*1} "The grain plant on the roofs" is the growth that arose from seeds mixed into the mud of which roofs were commonly made in Middle Eastern countries. Though it grew rapidly with the rains, it either dried up quickly in the ensuing sun or was burned off before it could attain its usual height. See International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (Orr 1960), under "grass;" compare Psalms 129:6. [SS]

Potts(1905-1910) 274

274. That to "eat the herb of the field" (that is, wild food) denotes to live like a wild animal, is evident from what is said of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel:

They shall drive thee from man, and thy dwelling shall be with the beast of the field; they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and seven times shall pass over thee (Dan 4:25). And in Isaiah:

Hast thou not heard how I have done it long ago, and from the days of old have I formed it; now have I brought it to pass, and it shall be to lay waste bulwarks, fenced cities, in heaps; and their inhabitants, short of hand, were dismayed and put to shame; they were made the grass of the field, and the green [olus] of the herb, the grass of the housetops, and a field parched before [coram] the standing corn (Isa. 37:26-27). Here it is explained what is signified by the "grass of the field" the "green of the herb" the "grass on the housetops" and a "field parched;" for the subject here treated of is the time before the flood, which is meant by "long ago" and the "days of old."

Elliott(1983-1999) 274

274. 'Eating the plant of the field', or fodder that is wild, is to live like a wild animal. This is clear in Daniel in reference to Nebuchadnezzar,

They will drive you away from human beings, and your dwelling will be with the beast of the field; you will be made to eat the plants like oxen; and seven times will pass over you. Dan 4:32.

And in Isaiah,

Have you not heard that I did it long ago and planned it from days of old? Now I have brought it to pass, and it will be that strongholds, fortified cities, will be devastated into heaps; and their inhabitants, shorn of power', were dismayed and filled with shame; they became plants of the field and edible plants, grass on rooftops, and scorched earth before standing corn. Isa 37:26, 27.
This makes explicit what 'plants of the field' means, and what 'edible plants, grass on rooftops, and scorched earth' means, for the subject here is the time before the Flood, which is what 'long ago' and 'days of old' are used to mean.


a lit. short in the hand

Latin(1748-1756) 274

274. Quod 'edere herbam agri,' seu pabulum agreste, sit vivere ut fera, constat apud Danielem ubi de Nebuchadnezzare, Ab homine expellent te, et cum bestia agri habitatio tua, herbam, sicut boves, te edere facient, et septem tempora transibunt super te, iv 29 [A.V. 32]:

et apud Esaiam, Annon audivisti, ad e longinquo id feci, a diebus antiquitatis, et formavi id? nunc adduxi id, et erit ad devastandum in acervos propugnacula, urbes munitas; et habitatores eorum, breves manu, consternati sunt, et pudore affecti, facti sunt herba agri, et olus herbae, tamen tectorum, et arvum adustum coram segete stante, {x}xxxvii 26, 27;

hic explicatur quid significat 'herba agri,' quid {1} 'olus herbae, gramen tectorum, et arvum adustum,' nam hic de antediluviano tempore agitur, quod intelligitur per 'e longinquo' et per 'dies antiquitatis.' @ 1 quod I.$

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