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属天的奥秘 第2748节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2748

2748. Some spirits who in the world had lived a life of adultery, came and spoke to me. I perceived that they had not been long in the other life, for they did not know that they were there, thinking that they were still in the world, and reflection as to where they were, being taken away from them. It was given to tell them that they were in the other life; but soon forgetting it, they asked where there were houses into which they might get introduced. But they were asked whether they had no respect for spiritual things, namely, for conjugial love, which is broken up by such allurements; and they were told that such things are contrary to heavenly order. But to this they paid no attention, neither did they understand what was said. I inquired further whether they did not fear the laws, and punishments according to the laws; but these things they held in contempt. But when I said that perhaps they would be severely beaten by the servants, this alone they feared. It was afterwards given to perceive their thoughts, which are communicated in the other life. They were so filthy and obscene that the well disposed could not but be struck with horror; and yet they are made manifest as to each and every particular before spirits and angels in the other life. From all this it is evident that such cannot be in heaven.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2748

2748. Certain spirits who had led adulterous lives in the world came and talked to me. I realized that they had not been very long in the next life, for they did not know that they were there but imagined that they were still in the world. The ability to reflect where they were had been taken away from them. I was allowed to tell them that they were in the next life; but they soon forgot and began to ask where there were houses where they might worm themselves in. But I asked them whether they had no respect for spiritual things, that is to say, for conjugial love, which is destroyed by such seducings. I told them that such things were contrary to heavenly order; but to all this they paid no attention nor even understood what I was saying. I went on to ask whether they had no fear of the laws, or of punishments according to the law. But these they held in contempt. Only when I said that perhaps they would be severely beaten with sticks by the servants in those houses did they feel any fear. After that I was given to perceive their thoughts, for in the next life thoughts are communicated. They were so filthy and obscene that the upright were positively horrified; yet those things - every single one - are in the next life exposed before spirits and angels. From all this it may become clear that such persons cannot be in heaven.

Latin(1748-1756) 2748

2748. Quidam spiritus qui adulterii vitam in mundo egerunt, ad me veniebant, mecum locuti; appercipiebam quod non diu in altera vita fuerint, nesciebant enim quod ibi essent, putantes adhuc esse in mundo; reflexio ubinam essent (c)illis adempta fuit; iis dicere datum quod in altera vita essent, sed mox obliti, quaerebant ubinam essent domus, ubi se insinuare possent, sed dictum annon respectum haberent spiritualium, nempe amoris conjugialis, qui per similia allectamenta dissociatur, et quod contra ordinem caelestem esset, se ad haec nihil attendebant, nec illa intelligebant; dixi porro, annon timerent leges, et punitiones secundum leges, sed haec contemnebant; at cum dixi, forte a domesticis tractarentur male verberibus, haec solum timebant. Dei percipere dabatur eorum cogitationes, nam illae communicantur in altera vita erant tam spurcae et obscenae ut probi non possint non horrescere, quae tamen quoad omnia et singula in altera vita propalantur coram spiritibus et angelis: inde etiam constare potest quod tales non possint esse in caelo.

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