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属天的奥秘 第2908节


2908、“撒拉死”表示信之真理的黑夜,这从“死”、“死人”和“死亡”的含义,以及“撒拉”的代表清楚可知。当论及教会时,“死”、“死人”和“死亡”这些词是指当一切信,也就是仁逝去时,教会的末期,因为这段时期在圣言中处处都被称为“黑夜”(参看221, 709, 1712, 2353节);“死”是指不再是曾经的样子(参看494节)。“撒拉”是指神性真理(参看2904节)。由此明显可知此处所表示的是这些事物。

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Potts(1905-1910) 2908

2908. Sarah died. That this signifies night as to the truths of faith, is evident from the signification of "dying," of "dead," and of "death," when these are predicated of the church, as denoting its last time, when all faith, that is, charity, has expired; which time, throughout the Word, is called "night" (see n. 221, 709, 1712, 2353); that "dying" denotes ceasing to be such, may be seen above (n. 494). The same is further evident from the representation of Sarah, as being truth Divine (see above, n. 2904); and thus it is plain that the signification is as has been said.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2908

2908. 'Sarah died' means night as regards the truths of faith. This is clear from the meaning of 'dying', 'one who has died', and 'death', when used in reference to the Church, as its final period when all faith, that is, charity, has breathed its last, for this period is called 'night' in various places in the Word, 221, 709, 1712, 2353, and 'dying' means ceasing to be what it once was, 494; and from the representation of 'Sarah' as Divine truth, dealt with above in 2904. From this it is evident that these things are meant here.

Latin(1748-1756) 2908

2908. `Mortua est Sarah': quod significet noctem quoad vera fidei, constat a significatione `mori, mortui ac mortis' cum praedicantur de Ecclesia, quod sit ultimum ejus tempus cum omnis fides, hoc est, charitas exspiravit; quod tempus in Verbo passim vocatur `nox,' n. 221, 709, 1712, 2353; quod `mori' sit quod tale esse desinat, videatur n. 494; et ex repraesentatione `Sarae' quod sit verum Divinum, de qua supra n. 2904; inde patet quod illa significentur.

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