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属天的奥秘 第2931节


2931、“让我从我面前埋葬我的死人”表示他们想要从黑夜中出来并复活。这从“埋葬”和“死人”的含义清楚可知:“埋葬”是指复活;“死人”是指信之良善和真理的黑夜(参看2923, 2925节,那里有同样的话)。

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Potts(1905-1910) 2931

2931. That I should bury my dead from before me. That this signifies that they desired to come forth from night and to rise again, is evident from the signification of "burying," which is to rise again; and of "dead," as denoting night in respect to the goods and truths of faith (see above, n. 2923, 2925, where the same words occur).

Elliott(1983-1999) 2931

2931. 'To let me bury my dead from before me' means that they wished to emerge from night and rise again. This is clear from the meaning of 'burying' as rising again, and of 'one who is dead' as night as regards the goods and truths of faith, dealt with above in 2923, 2925, where the same words occur.

Latin(1748-1756) 2931

2931. `Ad sepeliendum mortuum meum a coram me': quod significet quod ex nocte emergere et resurgere vellent, constat a significatione `sepeliri' quod sit resurgere; et `mortui' quod sit nox quoad bona et vera fidei, de qua supra n. 2923, 2925, ubi eadem verba.

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