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属天的奥秘 第2933节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2933

2933. And intercede for me with Ephron the son of Zohar. That this signifies those with whom the truth and good of faith could be received, is evident from the fact that the field and the cave in the field, where Sarah was to be buried, belonged to Ephron; and as "burial" signifies regeneration (n. 2916), it follows that by "Ephron" are signified those with whom the truth and good of faith could be received. The sons of Heth also represent the same, inasmuch as they were of Ephron's city and were his people. By "interceding" is here signified to be prepared to receive.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2933

2933. 'And intercede for me with Ephron the son of Zohar' means those with whom the good and truth of faith could be received. This becomes clear from the fact that the field, and the cave in the field where Sarah was to be buried, was Ephron's. And because burial means regeneration, 2916, it follows that Ephron means those with whom the good and truth of faith could be received. 'The sons of Heth' too represents the same, insofar as they belonged to Ephron's city and insofar as they were people of that city. 'Interceding' here means being made ready to receive.

Latin(1748-1756) 2933

2933. `Et intercedite mihi apud Ephronem filium Zohar': quod significet illos apud quos verum et bonum fidei recipi posset, constare potest inde quod ager, et in agro spelunca ubi sepeliretur Sarah, Ephronis esset, et quia per `sepulturam' significatur regeneratio, n. 2916, sequitur quod per illum significentur illi apud quos verum et bonum fidei recipi posset: `filii Heth' repraesentant etiam eosdem, quatenus ex Ephronis urbe essent, et quatenus ejus populus essent. Per `intercedere' hic significatur praeparari ad recipiendum.

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