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属天的奥秘 第294节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]294. The symbolism of the leather tunic as spiritual and earthly goodness likewise escapes people unless it is revealed to them by an unveiling of the inner meaning and then by other places in the Word that use similar terms.
The verse uses the general word leather, which implies goat, sheep, and ram skins. In the Word, these symbolize good emotions, charity, and the effects of charity. The sheep used in sacrifices had a similar meaning.
Anyone with a supply of charitable goodness — that is, of spiritual and earthly goodness — is called a sheep. So the Lord is called the shepherd, and people who possess charity are termed sheep, as everyone knows.

Potts(1905-1910) 294

294. Neither would it be evident to anyone that a "coat of skin" signifies spiritual and natural good, except by a revelation of the internal sense, and a subsequent comparison of passages in the Word where similar expressions occur. The general term "skin" is here used, but that of a kid, sheep, or ram, is understood, which animals in the Word signify affections of good, charity, and that which is of charity, as was likewise signified by the sheep used in the sacrifices. Those are called "sheep" who are endowed with the good of charity, that is, with spiritual and natural good, and hence the Lord is called the "Shepherd of the sheep" and those who are endowed with charity are called His "sheep" as everybody knows.

Elliott(1983-1999) 294

294. That 'a coat of skin' means spiritual and natural good does not become clear to anybody except from the inner sense once it has been revealed, and also after that from similar usages where they occur in the Word. In this verse skin in general is referred to, and is used to mean the skin of kid, sheep, or ram. In the Word these mean affections for good; they also mean charity and things belonging to charity. The same was meant by the sheep used in sacrifices. People are called 'sheep' who are endowed with the good that stems from charity, that is, with spiritual and natural good. And this is why the Lord is called the Shepherd of the sheep, and why people who are endowed with charity are termed 'sheep', as is well known to everyone.

Latin(1748-1756) 294

294. Quod 'tunica pellis' significet bonum spirituale et naturale, nec alicui constare potest nisi ex revelato sensu interiore; tum dein ex Verbo ubi similia occurrunt: hic in genere dicitur 'pellis,' et intelligitur pellis haedi, ovis, arietis, quae in Verbo significant affectiones boni, charitatem, et quae sunt charitatis; similia per 'oves' in sacrificiis: 'oves' appellantur quicumque sunt praediti bono charitatis, hoc est, bono spirituali et naturali; inde Dominus dicitur Pastor ovium, et qui charitate praediti sunt, vocantur 'oves,' ut cuivis notum est.

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