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属天的奥秘 第295节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]295. The reason it says they were dressed in a leather tunic is this: The earliest people were described as naked on account of their innocence. Later, when innocence died, they observed that they were caught up in evil, and that too is described as nudity. But now, in order for all the details to come together as a story, as required by the ancients' manner of speech, they are said to be clothed, so as not to be naked, or involved in evil.{*1} They did possess spiritual and earthly goodness, as is clear from statements and evidence regarding them offered at verses 1-13 of the present chapter [193, 216-217, 224-225] and from the assertion here that Jehovah God made clothes for them. This verse, you see, concerns not only the first generation in the church but more particularly the second and third generations, who were granted that kind of good.

{*1} In regard to the ancients' manner of speech, see 66. [LHC]

Potts(1905-1910) 295

295. The reason why they are said to be "clothed with a coat of skin" is that the most ancient people were said to be "naked" on account of their innocence; but when they lost their innocence they became conscious that they were in evil, which also is called "nakedness." That all things might appear to cohere historically (in accordance with the way of speaking of the most ancient people), they are here said to be "clothed lest they should be naked" or in evil. Their being in spiritual and natural good is evident from what was remarked above concerning them, from verse 1 to 13 of this chapter, as well as from its being here related that "Jehovah God made them a coat of skin, and clothed them;" for it here treats of the first-and more especially of the second and third-posterities of the church, who were endowed with such good.

Elliott(1983-1999) 295

295. The reason they are said to have been 'clothed with a coat of skin' is that [initially] the most ancient people, on account of their innocence, were called 'naked', but that later on, once their innocence had perished, they realized they were dwelling in evil, which is called 'nakedness' as well. So that everything may appear to fit together as history according to the way the most ancient people expressed themselves, they are here said to have been 'clothed' to avoid their being naked, that is, dwelling in evil. That they possessed spiritual and natural good is clear from what has been said and shown about them in verses 1-13 of this chapter, and at this point from the statement that Jehovah God made [coats of skin] and clothed them. For the subject here is the first generation, but more especially the second and third generations, of the descendants of the Church, who were endowed with such good.

Latin(1748-1756) 295

295. Quod 'tunica pellis vestiti' dicantur, causa est quia antiquissimi propter innocentiam dicti 'nudi,' et dein cum innocentia periit, quod animadverterint se esse in malo, quod etiam vocatur 'nuditas'; ut historice omnia cohaerere appareant secundum modum loquendi antiquissimis, hic dicuntur 'vestiti,' ne nudi seu in malo: quod in bono spirituali et naturali fuerint, constat ex iis quae de illis dicta et ostensa sunt a versu 1 ad 13 hujus capitis; et nunc ex eo quod Jehovah Deus fecerit, et vestiverit eos: agitur enim hic de prima, sed imprimis de secunda et tertia posteritate Ecclesiae, qui donati sunt tali bono.

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