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属天的奥秘 第2949节


2949、创世记23:12, 13.亚伯拉罕就在那地的人民面前下拜。在那地的人民耳边对以弗仑说话,说,你若愿意,请听我;我要给那田的价银;请从我这里收下,我就在那里埋葬我的死人。

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Potts(1905-1910) 2949

2949. Verses 12, 13. And Abraham bowed himself before the people of the land. And he spoke unto Ephron in the ears of the people of the land, saying, But if thou wilt, I pray thee, hear me; I will give the silver of the field; take it of me, and I will bury my dead there. "Abraham bowed himself before the people of the land," signifies the Lord's joy on account of the good will of those who were of the new spiritual church; "and he spoke unto Ephron" signifies influx with those who were able to receive; "in the ears of the people of the land," signifies even unto obedience as to the truths of the church; "but if thou wilt, I pray thee, hear me," signifies more interior influx; "I will give the silver of the field; take it of me," signifies redemption as to the truths of the church which are from the Lord; "and I will bury my dead," signifies that thus they would come forth from night and be vivified.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2949

2949. Verses 12, 13 And Abraham bowed before the people of the land. And he spoke to Ephron in the ears of the people of the land, saying, Even so, please hear me; I will give the pricea of the field; accept it from me, and I will bury my dead there.

'Abraham bowed before the people of the land' means the Lord's joy at the goodwill of those who belonged to the new spiritual Church. 'And he spoke to Ephron' means an influx with those who were able to receive it. 'In the ears of the people of the land' means even to being obedient as regards the truths of the Church. 'Even so, please hear me' means an interior influx. 'I will give the price of the field; accept it from me' means redemption as regards the truths of the Church which come from the Lord. 'And I will bury my dead' means that in this way they would emerge from night and be made alive.


a lit. the silver or the money

Latin(1748-1756) 2949

2949. Vers. 12, 13. Et incurvavit se Abraham coram populo terrae. Et locutus ad Ephronem in auribus populi terrae, dicendo, Verumtamen si tu, placet, audias me, dabo argentum agri, accipe a me, et sepeliam mortuum meum ibi. `Incurvavit se Abraham coram populo terrae' significat gaudium Domini ob benevolentiam illorum qui e nova Ecclesia spirituali: `et locutus ad Ephronem' significat influxum apud illos qui recipere possent: `in auribus populi terrae' significat usque ad oboedientiam quoad Ecclesiae vera: `verumtamen si tu, placet, audias me' significat influxum interiorem: `dabo argentum agri, accipe a me' significat redemptionem quoad vera Ecclesiae quae a Domino: `et sepeliam mortuum meum' significat quod sic e nocte emergerent et vivificarentur.

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