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属天的奥秘 第296节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]296. Kid, sheep, goat, badger, and ram skins symbolize spiritual and earthly kinds of good. This can be seen in the inner meaning of the Word where it deals with Jacob and with the ark.
In respect to Jacob: He was dressed in Esau's clothes and (where his hands and neck lay bare) in the skins of goats' kids [Genesis 27:15-16]. When Isaac smelled them, he said, "My son's smell is like the smell of the field" (Genesis 27:22, 27). The symbolism of these skins as spiritual and earthly forms of good will be seen at that location [3540], with the Lord's divine mercy.
In respect to the ark: The tabernacle covering was made of rams' skins and badgers' skins (Exodus 26:14; 36:19). Whenever Aaron and his sons set out on a journey, they would cover the ark with a blanket of badgers' skin. They did the same with the table [for the bread] and its utensils, the lampstand and its utensils, the golden altar [of incense], and the utensils for ministry and for the altar [of burnt offerings] (Numbers 4:6, 8, 10-11, 12,
[14]). The symbolism of these skins as spiritual and earthly good will be seen at that location as well, with the Lord's divine mercy.{*1} Whatever went into the making of the ark, dwelling place, or tent, and even what Aaron wore when dressed in the holy garments, symbolized something heavenly and at the same time spiritual. Not the smallest item existed that did not have its own representation.

{*1} See 9471, 9630-9632, where Swedenborg discusses the mention of badger and ram skins in Exodus. Although this passage again (see note 3 in 66) suggests that he expected Secrets of Heaven to reach at least as far as Numbers (see similar references in 730:4, 2280:7, 4434:10; see also the reader's guide, pages 24-25 note 14 [NCBSP: Available from Swedenborg Foundation]), as it turned out he did not proceed beyond Exodus. [LHC]

Potts(1905-1910) 296

296. That the skins of kids, sheep, goats, badgers, and rams signify spiritual and natural goods, is evident from the internal sense of the word, where Jacob is treated of, and also where the ark is treated of. Of Jacob it is said that he was "clothed with the raiment of Esau" and on his hands and on his neck, where he was naked, "with skins of kids of the goats" and when Isaac smelled them, he said, "the smell of my son is as the smell of a field" (Gen. 27:15, 16, 27). That these skins signify spiritual and natural goods, will of the Lord's Divine mercy be seen in that place. Of the ark it is said that the covering of the tent was "of rams' skins and badgers' skins" (Exod. 26:14; 36:19), and that when they set forward Aaron and his sons covered the ark with a covering "of badgers' skins" and likewise the table and its vessels, the candlestick and its vessels, the altar of gold, and the vessels of ministry and of the altar (Num. 4:6-14). Of the Lord's Divine mercy it will in that place also be seen that these skins signify spiritual and natural good, for whatever was in the ark, the tabernacle, or the tent, yea, whatever was upon Aaron when clothed with the garments of holiness, signified what is celestial spiritual, so that there was not the least thing that had not its own representation.

Elliott(1983-1999) 296

296. The skins of kids, sheep, goats, badgers, and rams mean spiritual and natural goods. This becomes clear from the internal sense of the Word, where Jacob is the subject, and where the Ark is the subject. Of Jacob it is said that he was dressed in Esau's clothing and on his hands and neck where he was smooth he was covered with kids' skins. And when Isaac smelled it he said, The smell of my son is like that of the field, Gen 27:22, 27. That these words mean spiritual and natural goods will in the Lord's Divine mercy be seen when that chapter is reached. Of the Ark it is said that the covering of the tent was made of rams' skins and badgers' skins, Exod 26:14; 36:19. And whenever the tribes were on the move Aaron and his sons had to cover the Ark with a covering of badgers skin. And similarly the table and its vessels, the lampstand and its vessels, the golden altar, the vessels for ministering and those of the altar were to be covered with badgers' skin, Num 4:6, 8, 10-11. That these mean spiritual and natural good will also in the Lord's Divine mercy be seen when that chapter is reached. For everything in the Ark, the Tabernacle, and the Tent of Meeting, and indeed everything that Aaron wore when clothed with the sacred vestments, meant that which was celestial-spiritual. Every tiny detail accordingly had some definite representation.

Latin(1748-1756) 296

296. Quod per 'pelles haedorum, ovium, caprarum, melium, arietum' significentur bona spiritualia et naturalia, constare potest a sensu interno Verbi, ubi agitur de Jacobo, et de arca: de Jacobo, Quod indutus vestibus Esavi, et ubi nudus, super manum et collum pellibus haedorum caprarum, quae cum odoratus Isacus, dixit, Odor filii mei est sicut odor agri, Gen. xxvii 22, 27;

quae quod significent bona spiritualia et naturalia, ibi, ex Divina Domini Misericordia, videbitur: de Arca, Quod tegumentum tentorii essent pelles arietum, et pelles melium, Exod. xxvi 14; xxxvi x19;

et quod Aharon et filii ejus, cum proficiscerentur, obtegerent arcam operimento pellis melium; similiter mensam et vasa ejus, similiter candelabrum et ejus vasa, similiter altare auri, similiter vasa ministerii et altaris, pelle melium, Num. iv 6, 8, 10-12; quae quod significent bonum spirituale et naturale, etiam ibi, ex Divina Domini Misericordia, videbitur; nam quicquid fuit in arca, habitaculo, tentorio, immo quicquid fuit supra Aharonem, {1} quum vestibus sanctitatis indutus esset, significabat caeleste spirituale, sic ut ne minimum esset quod non distincte aliquid repraesentaret. @ 1 cum I.$

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