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属天的奥秘 第2960节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2960

2960. What is that between me and thee? That this signifies that he gave his assent, but still desired it to be from himself, namely, his being prepared or reformed, is evident from the sense of the letter when applied to the internal sense which treats of reformation. Above, it was said by Ephron, "The field give I thee, and the cave that is therein I give it thee" (verse 11), by which was signified that they desired to prepare themselves in regard to the things which are of the church and of faith, that is, reform themselves; that such is the first state of those who are being reformed may be seen above (n. 2946). But when they progress further in the knowledges of truth or of faith, then comes their second state, in which they indeed give assent, but still desire it to be from themselves; this is the state treated of in this verse; but a third state is presently described, namely, the state of belief that they are reformed by the Lord. The cause of their being such in the beginning was stated above (n. 2946). But that when they advance in the knowledges of truth or of faith they indeed acknowledge that they are reformed by the Lord, but still desire it to be from themselves, is for the reason that the cloud of ignorance is only gradually dispersed, and that the confirmations of truth are strengthened with time, and that good is perfected by imbuements of the knowledges of truth. It is the good itself in which the truth has been implanted that causes them not only to acknowledge but also to believe that reformation is from the Lord. This is the third state; and it is followed by a fourth, namely, that in which they perceive it to be from the Lord. But there are few who come into this state in the life of the body, for it is an angelic state; but they who are regenerate come into it in the other life. Hence it is evident that in the internal sense is here described the man of the spiritual church, and what his state is while he is yet immature; also what it is when he begins to mature, and at last when he has matured.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2960

2960. 'What is that between me and you?' means that he gave his assent yet still wished to achieve it by himself, that is to say, to be prepared or reformed. This becomes clear from the sense of the letter when applied to the internal sense in which reformation is the subject. Above, Ephron said, 'The field I give to you, and the cave that is in it I give to you' verse 11, and by this was meant their will to prepare themselves as regards those things that constitute the Church and faith, that is, to reform themselves. For the first state of those who are being reformed is such, see 2946; but when they are more advanced in cognitions of truth or faith, they have entered their second state. Then they do indeed give assent, yet they still wish to achieve it by themselves. It is this state which is dealt with in this verse, while the third state when they believe that their reformation is effected by the Lord will be described next.

[2] The reason these people are such at first has been stated above in 2946. But when they become more advanced in cognitions of truth or faith they do indeed acknowledge that their reformation is effected by the Lord, yet they still wish to achieve it by themselves. One reason for this is that the cloud of ignorance is dispersed only gradually; another is that it takes time for truth to be corroborated; and another is that the perfection of good comes with the acquisition of cognitions of truth. Good itself that has truth implanted in it leads people not only to acknowledge but also to believe that reformation comes from the Lord. This state is the third, and a fourth follows it, that is to say, a state when they perceive that it comes from the Lord. Few however attain it during their lifetime since it is an angelic state; but those who are regenerate do attain it in the next life. From this it is evident that in the internal sense here the member of the spiritual Church is described - the nature of his state when he has yet to develop, the nature of it when he starts to develop, and at length when he has developed.

Latin(1748-1756) 2960

2960. Quod `inter me et inter te quid hoc?' significet quod annueret sed vellet usque a semet, nempe praeparari seu reformari, constare potest a sensu litterae applicato ad sensum internum in quo agitur de reformatione; supra dictum ab Ephrone, `Agrum do tibi, et speluncam quae in illo do tibi illam,' vers. 11, quibus significatum, quod vellent praeparare semet quoad illa quae sunt Ecclesiae et fidei, hoc est, se reformare; quod status primus illorum qui reformantur, sit talis, videatur n. 2946, at cum ulterius progrediuntur in cognitionibus veri seu fidei, tunc secundus illorum status est, quod quidem annuant, sed usque velint a semet; de hoc statu in hoc versu agitur; at tertius status mox describitur, quod credant reformari a Domino. Quod tales sint in principio, causa dicta est supra n. 2946; quod autem cum progrediuntur in cognitionibus veri seu fidei, agnoscant quidem se reformari a Domino, sed usque velint a semet, causa est quia nubes ignorantiae successive discutitur, et quia confirmationes veri tempore corroborantur, et quia per imbuitiones cognitionum veri perficitur bonum; ipsum bonum cui implantatum est verum, facit ut non solum agnoscant, sed etiam credant, quod reformatio sit a Domino; hic status est tertius, quem sequitur status quartus, nempe quod percipiant quod a Domino; sed pauci sunt qui ad hunc statum veniunt in vita corporis, est enim angelicus; at qui regenerati sunt, in eum statum veniunt in altera vita. Inde patet quod in sensu interno hic describatur homo Ecclesiae spiritualis, qualis ejus status est cum adhuc immaturus, et qualis cum maturescere incipit, et tandem cum maturuit.

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