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属天的奥秘 第2961节


2961、“只管埋葬你的死人吧”表示从黑夜中出来,并因此复活。这从“死人”和“埋葬”的含义清楚可知:“死人”是指信之真理的黑夜;“埋葬”是指复活,如前面数次所论述的(参看2917, 2923, 2925, 2931, 2948, 2955节)。这句话之所以多次出现在本章,是因为论述的主题是从信之真理的黑夜中出来,并复活,也就是属灵教会的改造和重生。

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Potts(1905-1910) 2961

2961. Bury therefore thy dead. That this signifies an emerging from night, and a consequent resuscitation, is evident from the signification of "dead," as being night in regard to the truths of faith; and from the signification of "being buried," as being to be raised up (concerning which see n. 2917, 2923, 2925, 2931, 2948, 2955). The reason why these words are said so often in this chapter, is that the subject treated of is the emerging from night in regard to the truths of faith, and the resuscitation (that is, the reformation and regeneration) of the spiritual church.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2961

2961. 'So bury your dead' means emergence from night and consequent rising up again. This is clear from the meaning of 'one who is dead' as night as regards the truths of faith, and of 'being buried' as rising up again, dealt with several times already, see 2917, 2923, 2925, 2931, 2948, 2955. The reason why these words occur so many times in this chapter is that the subject is the emergence from night as regards truths of faith, and the rising up again, that is, the reformation and regeneration of the spiritual Church.

Latin(1748-1756) 2961

2961. `Et mortuum tuum sepeli': quod significet emersionem e nocte et resuscitationem inde, constat a significatione `mortui' quod sit nox quoad vera fidei, et `sepeliri' quod sit resuscitari, de qua aliquoties prius, videatur n. 2917, 2923, 2925, 2931, 2948, 2955: quod haec toties in hoc capite dicantur, causa est quia de emersione e nocte quoad vera fidei, et resuscitatione, hoc est, de reformatione et regeneratione Ecclesiae spiritualis, agitur.

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