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属天的奥秘 第2968节


2968、创世记23:17, 18.于是,以弗仑在麦比拉、在幔利前面的那块田,包括那块田和其中的洞,并田间四围所有边界的每棵树,都定准了,在所有进入他城门的赫的儿子们眼前,归与亚伯拉罕作产业。

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Potts(1905-1910) 2968

2968. Verses 17, 18. And the field of Ephron, which was in Machpelah, which was before Mamre, the field and the cave that was therein, and every tree that was in the field, that was in all the border thereof round about, were made sure unto Abraham for an acquisition to the eyes of the sons of Heth, of all that went in at the gate of his city. "The field of Ephron," signifies that which belonged to the church; "which was in Machpelah, which was before Mamre," signifies the quality and amount of regeneration; "the field and the cave that was therein," signifies as to the good and truth of faith; "and every tree that was in the field," signifies interior knowledges of the church; "that was in all the border thereof round about," signifies exterior knowledges; "were made sure unto Abraham for an acquisition," signifies that they were ascribed to the Lord alone; "to the eyes of the sons of Heth," signifies according to their understanding; "of all that went in at the gate of his city," signifies as to all doctrinal things.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2968

2968. Verses 17, 18 And the field of Ephron, which was in Machpelah - which was before Mamre - the field and the cave which was in it, and every tree which was in the field, which was in all its borders round about, was made over to Abraham as an acquisition, before the eyes of the sons of Heth, in [the presence] of all entering the gate of his city. 'The field of Ephron' means that which constitutes the Church. 'Which was in Machpelah, which was before Mamre' means the nature and extent of regeneration. 'The field and the cave which was in it' means as regards the good and truth of faith. 'And every tree which was in the field' means the interior cognitions of the Church. 'Which was in all its borders round about' means exterior cognitions. 'Was made over to Abraham as an acquisition' means that these were considered to be the Lord's alone. 'Before the eyes of the sons of Heth' means according to their understanding. 'In [the presence] of all entering the gate of his city' means as regards all matters of doctrine.

Latin(1748-1756) 2968

2968. Vers. 17, 18. Et constitit ager Ephronis, qui in Machpelah, quae coram Mamre, ager et spelunca quae in illo, et omnis arbor quae in agro, quae in omni termino ejus circumcirca, Abrahamo in acquisitionem, ad oculos filiorum Heth, in omnium intrantium portam urbis ejus. `Constitit ager Ephronis' significat quod illud Ecclesiae: `qui in Machpelah, quae coram Mamre' significat regenerationis quale et quantum: `ager et spelunca quae in illo' significat quoad bonum et verum fidei: `et omnis arbor quae in agro' significat cognitiones Ecclesiae interiores: `quae in omni termino ejus circumcirca' significat cognitiones exteriores: `Abrahamo in acquisitionem' significat quod soli Domino accepta: `ad oculos filiorum Heth' significat secundum intellectum eorum: `in omnium intrantium portam urbis ejus' significat quoad omnia doctrinalia.

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