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属天的奥秘 第2969节


2969、“以弗仑的那块田”表示构成教会的东西,或这是教会的一个特征。这从“田”的含义和“以弗仑”的代表清楚可知:“田”是指教会,以及教义(参看368, 2936节);“以弗仑”是指那些能接受信之良善和真理,也就是构成教会的东西的人(2933节)。因此“以弗仑的那块田”表示构成教会的东西,或教会的一个特征。

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Potts(1905-1910) 2969

2969. The field of Ephron. That this signifies that which belonged to the church, is evident from the signification of "field," as being the church and also doctrine (see n. 368, 2936); and from the representation of "Ephron," as being those with whom the good and truth of faith, which belong to the church, could be received (n. 2933); hence the "field of Ephron" signifies that which belonged to the church.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2969

2969. 'The field of Ephron' means that which constitutes the Church. This is clear from the meaning of 'the field' as the Church, and also doctrine, dealt with in 368, 2936, and from the representation of 'Ephron' as those with whom the good and truth of faith, which constitute the Church, could be received, dealt with in 2933. Consequently 'the field of Ephron' means that which constitutes the Church.

Latin(1748-1756) 2969

2969. Quod `constitit ager Ephronis' significet quod illud Ecclesiae, constat a significatione `agri' quod sit Ecclesia, tum doctrina, de qua n. 368, 2936: et a repraesentatione `Ephronis' quod sint illi apud quos bonum et verum fidei, {1}quae sunt Ecclesiae, recipi {2}possent, de qua n. 2933; inde `constitit ager Ephronis' significat illud Ecclesiae. @1 quod est$ @2 posset$

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