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属天的奥秘 第2974节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2974

2974. Were made sure unto Abraham for an acquisition. That this signifies that they were ascribed to the Lord alone, that is, everything of regeneration as to both quality and quantity, in regard to the good and truth of faith, and therefore in regard to all knowledges interior and exterior, is evident from the representation of "Abraham" as being the Lord (of which frequently above); and from the signification of an "acquisition," as being His, and thus ascribed to Him alone. It is a primary article of faith that all good and all truth are the Lord's, thus from the Lord alone. The more interiorly anyone acknowledges this, the more interiorly he is in heaven; for in heaven it is perceived to be so, and there is there a sphere of perception that it is so; for they are in good which is from the Lord alone, and this is what is called being in the Lord. The degrees of this perception decrease from the midst even to the circumferences (as was said just above, n. 2973).

Elliott(1983-1999) 2974

2974. 'Was made over to Abraham as an acquisition' means that these things - the whole nature and extent of regeneration as regards the good and truth of faith, and so as regards all interior and exterior cognitions - were considered to be the Lord's alone. This is clear from the representation of 'Abraham' as the Lord, often dealt with already, and from the meaning of 'an acquisition' as those things that are His, and so are considered to be His alone. It is a leading article of faith that all good and all truth are the Lord's, and so come from the Lord alone. The more anyone acknowledges this inwardly the more he is inwardly in heaven, for those in heaven see with perception that this is so. In heaven a sphere of perception that it is so exists because those there are governed by good which is derived from the Lord alone; and this is called being in the Lord. The degrees of that perception go from the middle to outlying parts, as stated immediately above in 2973.

Latin(1748-1756) 2974

2974. Quod `Abrahamo in acquisitionem' significet quod soli Domino accepta, nempe omne regenerationis quale et quantum, quoad bonum et verum fidei, et sic quoad omnes cognitiones interiores et exteriores, constat a repraesentatione `Abrahami' quod sit Dominus, de qua saepius prius; et a significatione acquisitionis quod sint Ipsius, {1}ita Ipsi soli accepta. Primarium fidei est, {2}quod omne bonum et omne verum sit Domini, ita a Domino solo; quo quis hoc interius agnoscit, eo interius in caelo est, nam in caelo percipitur quod ita sit; ibi est perceptionis sphaera quod ita sit, quia sunt in bono quod est a solo Domino, et hoc est quod dicitur esse in Domino; gradus perceptionis illius se habent a medio usque ad circuitus, sicut mox supra n. 2973 dictum est. @1 nempe$ @2 i quod credatur$

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