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属天的奥秘 第2975节


2975、“在赫的儿子们眼前”表示照着他们的理解力,也就是说,照着那些属于新的属灵教会之人的理解力。这从“眼”和“赫的儿子们”的含义清楚可知:“眼”是指理解力(参看212, 2701)节;“赫的儿子们”是指那些属于新的属灵教会的人(参看2913, 2928节)。前面说“亚伯拉罕在赫的儿子们耳边说”(23:16),这表示照着他们的能力(2965, 2967节)。而此处说“在赫的儿子们眼前”,这表示照着他们的理解力。第一句话意味着适合他们的意愿,第二句话意味着适合他们的理解力,因为人在这两个部分被改造。事实上,如果意愿和理解力不一致,以至于构成一体,也就是说,如果良善和真理,或也可说,仁和信(因为仁属于意愿,信属于理解力)不构成一体,那么人仍未重生。这解释了为何前面说“在赫的儿子们耳边”,而此处说“在赫的儿子们眼前”。

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Potts(1905-1910) 2975

2975. To the eyes of the sons of Heth. That this signifies to their understanding, that is to say, to the understanding of those who are of the new spiritual church, is evident from the signification of the "eyes," as being the understanding (see n. 212, 2701); and from the signification of the "sons of Heth," as being those who are of the new spiritual church (see n. 2913, 2928). It was said above (verse 16), that Abraham spoke "in the ears" of the sons of Heth, by which was signified that it was according to their capacity (n. 2965, 2967); here however it is said "to the eyes" of the sons of Heth, by which is signified to their understanding. What was said before involves application to their will; but what is said here, to their understanding, for man is reformed as to both parts for if the will and understanding do not agree, even so as to make a one, the man has not been regenerated; that is, if good and truth, or what is the same, charity and faith, are not a one; for charity is of the will, and faith is of the understanding. It is because of this that it was before said "in the ears of the sons of Heth;" but here, "before the eyes of the sons of Heth."

Elliott(1983-1999) 2975

2975. 'Before the eyes of the sons of Heth' means according to their understanding, that is to say, the understanding of those who belong to the new spiritual Church. This is clear from the meaning of 'the eyes' as the understanding, dealt with in 212, 2701, and from the meaning of 'the sons of Heth' as those who belonged to the new spiritual Church, dealt with in 2913, 2928. In verse 16 above it was said that 'Abraham spoke in the ears of the sons of Heth', which meant according to their ability, 2965, 2967 Here however the words 'before the eyes of the sons of Heth' are used, which mean according to their understanding. The first statement implies that which conformed to their will, the second that which conformed to their understanding, for a person is reformed as to both these parts. Indeed unless will and understanding are in agreement so as to make one a person remains unregenerate, that is, unless good and truth, or what amounts to the same, charity and faith, make one; for charity belongs to the will but faith to the understanding. This explains why earlier on the words 'in the ears of the sons of Heth' are used, but here 'before the eyes of the sons of Heth'.

Latin(1748-1756) 2975

2975. `Ad oculos filiorum Heth': quod significet ad intellectum illorum, nempe qui a {1}nova Ecclesia spirituali, constat a significatione oculorum' quod {2}sit intellectus, de qua n. 212, 2701; et a {3}significatione `filiorum Heth' quod sint illi qui a nova Ecclesia spirituali, de qua n. 2913, 2928. Supra vers. 16 dictum quod `Abraham locutus in auribus filiorum Heth,' quo significatum quod secundum facultatem eorum, n. 2965, 2967; hic autem dicitur `ad oculos filiorum Heth' et significatur quod ad intellectum eorum; prius involvit applicationem ad eorum voluntatem, hoc autem ad eorum intellectum; homo enim quoad utramque partem reformatur; nisi enim voluntas et intellectus concordent, usque ut unum faciant, homo non regeneratus est, hoc est, nisi bonum et verum, seu quod idem, charitas et fides unum sint, charitas enim est voluntatis, fides autem est intellectus; inde est quod prius dictum `in auribus filiorum Heth,' hic autem, `ad oculos filiorum Heth.' @1 after spirituali$ @2 sint$ @3 repraesentatione$

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