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属天的奥秘 第2996节


2996、人体内的一切事物与天上的事物都有一种对应关系,这在世上是一个极深的奥秘,但在来世却是每个灵人最清楚不过的事。事实上,人体甚至没有不对应于某种属灵和属天事物,或说天堂社群的最小部位或粒子。因为天堂社群照着属灵和属天事物的一切属和种而存在;它们合起来以这种模式被排列:它们类似一个人,并且在人的每一个细节上,无论内外,都类似一个人。这就是为何整个天堂也被称为大人;又为何我经常说,这个社群属于人体的这个部位,那个社群属于人体的那个部位,等等(956, 1385, 1525, 1977节)。之所以如此描述天堂,是因为主是唯一的人,天堂代表祂。而且,构成天堂的,是来自主的神性良善和真理;天使因在天堂而被说成是在主里面。然而,地狱里的人却在这个大人之外,并对应于不洁之物,以及身体疾病或瑕疵。

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Potts(1905-1910) 2996

2996. In this world it is a great secret, although in the other life nothing is better known to every spirit, that all things in the human body have a correspondence to those in heaven; insomuch that there is not the smallest particle in the body, to which something spiritual and celestial does not correspond; or what is the same, to which heavenly societies do not correspond, for these exist according to all the genera and species of spiritual and celestial things; and this in such an order that together they represent one man, even as to all his parts, in general and in particular, both the interior and the exterior. Hence it is that the universal heaven is also called the Grand Man; and hence it is that it has been so often said that one society belongs to one province of the body, another to another, and so on. The reason is that the Lord is the Only Man, and heaven represents Him; and the Divine good and truth that are from Him are what make heaven; and because the angels are therein, they are said to be in the Lord. But they who are in hell are outside this Grand Man, and correspond to things unclean, and also to bodily corruptions.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2996

2996. Though in this world a very deep arcanum, nothing is better known in the next life, known even to every spirit, than the truth that all things in the human body have a correspondence with things in heaven. So true is this that not even the smallest part in the human body fails to have something spiritual and celestial, or what amounts to the same, the heavenly communities, corresponding to it. For heavenly communities exist according to all the genera and species of spiritual and celestial things; indeed they exist in such order that all of them together represent one human being. They do so in every single detail of the human being, both interior and exterior. This is why heaven considered as a whole is also called the Grand Man, and why so many times already one community has been spoken of as belonging to this part of the body, another community to that, and so on. The reason why heaven is described in this way is that the Lord is the only Man and heaven represents Him. Also it is Divine Good and Truth received from Him that constitute heaven, and therefore as angels are in heaven they' are said to be in the Lord. Those in hell however are outside of that Grand Man. These correspond to filth and also to things full of disease.

Latin(1748-1756) 2996

2996. Arcanissimum in mundo est, at nihil notius in altera vita, etiam unicuique spiritui, quod omnia quae in corpore humano correspondentiam habeant cum illis quae in caelo, usque adeo ut ne quidem minima ibi particula sit, cui non spirituale et caeleste quoddam correspondet, seu quod idem, cui non societates caelestes, nam hae sunt secundum omnia genera et species spiritualium et caelestium, et quidem in tali ordine ut referant simul unum hominem, et hoc quoad omnia et singula, tam interiora quam exteriora ejus; inde est quod universum caelum dicatur quoque Maximus Homo; et inde est quod toties dictum{1}, quod haec societas pertineat ad hanc corporis provinciam, haec ad illam, et sic porro: causa est quia Dominus est solus Homo, et caelum repraesentat Ipsum; et Divinum Bonum et Verum quod ab Ipso, est quod facit caelum; in quo quia sunt angeli, dicuntur in Domino esse. Qui autem in inferno sunt, extra Maximum illum Hominem sunt, et correspondent sordibus, tum quoque vitiis. @1 i prius$

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