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属天的奥秘 第305节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]305. Genesis 3:23. And Jehovah God sent them away from the Garden of Eden to cultivate the ground from which they were taken.
Being thrown out of the Garden of Eden means being deprived of all understanding and wisdom. Cultivating the ground from which they were taken means becoming body-centered, as they were before regeneration.
The fact that being thrown out of the Garden of Eden means being deprived of all understanding and wisdom is established by the symbolism of a garden and of Eden, dealt with above [98-100, 107-109]. A garden symbolizes understanding or the comprehension of truth. Eden, because it symbolizes love, symbolizes wisdom, or the will to do good.
The fact that cultivating the ground from which they were taken means becoming body-centered, as they were before regeneration, was shown earlier at verse 19 [278], where similar words occur.

Potts(1905-1910) 305

305. Verse 23. Therefore Jehovah God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from which he was taken. To be "cast out of the garden of Eden" is to be deprived of all intelligence and wisdom; and to "till the ground from which he was taken" is to become corporeal, as he was previous to regeneration. That to be "cast out of the garden of Eden" is to be deprived of all intelligence and wisdom, is evident from the signification of a "garden" and of "Eden" as above; for a "garden" signifies intelligence, or the understanding of truth; and "Eden" being significative of love, signifies wisdom, or the will of good. That to "till the ground from which he was taken" signifies to become corporeal, such as he was before regeneration, has been shown above (verse 19), where similar words occur.

Elliott(1983-1999) 305

305. Verse 23 And Jehovah God sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground from which he had been taken.

'Being expelled from the garden of Eden' is being divested of all intelligence and wisdom. 'Tilling the ground from which he had been taken' is becoming bodily-minded, as he had been before regeneration took place. That 'being expelled from the garden of Eden' is being divested of all intelligence and wisdom is clear from the meaning of 'a garden' and of 'Eden', dealt with already. Indeed 'a garden' means intelligence, or an understanding of truth. And because 'Eden' means love it also means wisdom, that is, a will for good. That 'tilling the ground from which he had been taken' is becoming bodily-minded, as he had been before regeneration took place, has been shown already at verse 19, where similar words occur.

Latin(1748-1756) 305

305. Vers. 23. Et emisit eum Jehovah Deus ex horto Eden, ad colendum humum, ex qua sumptus. 'Ejici ex horto Eden' est privari omni intelligentia et sapientia: 'colere humum, ex qua sumptus' est fieri corporeus, sicut fuit ante regenerationem. Quod 'ejici ex horto Eden' sit privari omni intelligentia et sapientia, constat ex significatione 'horti,' et 'Edenis,' de qua prius: 'hortus' enim significat intelligentiam seu intellectum veri; et 'Eden,' quia amorem, significat sapientiam, seu voluntatem boni. Quod 'colere humum ex qua sumptus' sit fieri corporeus, sicut fuit ante regenerationem, ostensum est prius ad vers. 19, ubi similia verba.

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