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属天的奥秘 第306节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]306. Genesis 3:24. And he threw the humans out. And he caused guardian beings to live on the east of the Garden of Eden, and the flame of a sword turning itself, to guard the way to the tree of lives.
Throwing the humans out is completely depriving us of all the will to do good and all comprehension of truth — so completely that those faculties are withheld from us and we cease to be human. Causing guardian beings to live on the east is making sure that we cannot enter into any of the hidden wisdom of faith; the east of the Garden of Eden is a heavenly quality from which an intelligent understanding comes. The guardian beings symbolize the Lord's providence making sure that if we are like this we do not pry into the ideas that compose faith. The flame of a sword turning itself symbolizes self-love with its mad desires and the delusions that grow out of them. These desires and delusions are such that although we want to enter there, we are carried in the opposite direction, toward bodily and earthly preoccupations. This is done to guard the way to the tree of lives, or in other words, to prevent us from profaning holy things.

Potts(1905-1910) 306

306. Verse 24. And He cast out the man; and He made to dwell from the east toward the garden of Eden cherubim, and the flame of a sword turning itself to keep the way of the tree of lives. To "cast out the man" is to entirely deprive him of all the will of good and understanding of truth, insomuch that he is separated from them, and is no longer man. To "make cherubim from the east to dwell" is to provide against his entering into any secret thing of faith; for the "east toward the garden of Eden" is the celestial, from which is intelligence; and by "cherubim" is signified the providence of the Lord in preventing such a man from entering into the things of faith. By the "flame of a sword turning itself" is signified self-love [amor proprius] with its insane desires and consequent persuasions, which are such that he indeed wishes to enter, but is carried away to corporeal and earthly things, and this for the purpose of "keeping the way of the tree of lives" that is, of preventing the profanation of holy things.

Elliott(1983-1999) 306

306. Verse 24 So He expelled the man, and away from the east towards the garden of Eden He caused the cherubim to dwell, and the flame of a sword turning itself this way and that to guard the way to the tree of life.a 'Expelling the man' is divesting him completely of all will for good and of all understanding of truth, even to the point of his being separated from them, and ceasing to be a human being. 'Causing the cherubim to dwell away from the east' is to provide against the possibility of his entering into any arcanum of faith, for 'the east towards the garden of Eden' is the celestial from which intelligence flows. 'Cherubim' means the Lord's providing against this kind of person entering into things which are matters of faith. 'The flame of a sword turning itself this way and that 'means self-love together with its insane desires and derivative persuasions, which are such that he does indeed wish to enter in but is in fact led away from there towards bodily and earthly interests. And 'guarding the way to the tree of lifea' is guarding against the possibility of his profaning holy things.


a lit. of lives

Latin(1748-1756) 306

306. Vers. 24. Et ejecit hominem; et habitare fecit ab oriente ad hortum Edenis cherubos; et flammam gladii vertentis se, ad custodiendum viam arboris vitarum. 'Ejicere hominem' est prorsus privare omni voluntate boni et intellectu veri, usque adeo ut ab illis separetur et non sit homo: 'habitare facere ab oriente cherubos' est providere ne intrare possit in aliquod arcanum fidei; nam 'oriens ad hortum Edenis' est caeleste, ex quo intelligentia: per 'cherubos' significatur providentia Domini ne homo talis intret in illa quae sunt fidei: per 'flammam gladii vertentis se' significatur amor proprius cum vesanis ejus cupiditatibus et inde persuasionibus, quae sunt tales ut quidem intrare velit, sed feratur abinde ad corporea et terrestria: et hoc 'ad custodiendum viam arboris vitarum,' quod est, ne profanare possit sancta.

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