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属天的奥秘 第3053节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3053

3053. Verse 11. And he made the camels kneel down, without the city, by the well of waters, about the time of evening, about the time that the drawers go out. "He made the camels kneel down," signifies a holy disposing of general memory-knowledges; "without the city," signifies removal from doctrinal things; "by the well of waters," signifies for receiving the truths of faith; "about the time of evening," signifies a state of more obscurity at that time; "about the time that the drawers go out," signifies a state of instruction.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3053

3053. Verse 11 And he made the camels kneel down outside and away from the city near a well of water, at evening time, at the time that women go out to draw water.

'He made the camels kneel down' means a holy ordering of general facts. 'Outside and away from the city' means removed from matters of doctrine. 'Near a well of water' means to receive the truths of faith. 'At evening time' means a more obscure state at that time. 'At the time that women go out to draw water' means a state of instruction.

Latin(1748-1756) 3053

3053. Vers. 11. Et in genua procumbere fecit camelos, ab extra urbem, ad puteum aquarum, juxta tempus vesperae, juxta tempus exire haustrices. `In genua procumbere fecit camelos' significat dispositionem sanctam scientificorum communium: `ab extra urbem' significat remotionem a doctrinalibus: `ad puteum aquarum significat ad recipienda vera fidei: `juxta tempus vesperae' significat statum tunc obscuriorem: `juxta tempus exire haustrices' significat statum instructionis.

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