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属天的奥秘 第3073节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3073

3073. And thereby shall I know that Thou hast done mercy with my lord. That this signifies that the marriage is from Divine love, is evident from the signification of "mercy," as here in the internal sense being the Divine love (see n. 3063). And because the subject treated of is the betrothing of Rebekah to Isaac, that is, of the conjunction of Divine truth with the Divine good of the rational; by "doing mercy with my lord" nothing else is signified than a marriage, thus a marriage from Divine love. This also is the conclusion of his supplication, and the end that was had in view.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3073

3073. 'And in this I shall know that You have dealt mercifully with my master' means that the beginning of the marriage lies in Divine love. This is clear from the meaning of 'mercy' here in the internal sense as Divine love, dealt with in 3063. And since the subject is the betrothal of Rebekah to Isaac, that is, the joining of Divine truth to the Divine Good of the Rational, 'dealing mercifully with my master' means nothing else than a marriage, and so a marriage beginning in Divine love. For this statement is also the conclusion of his plea, and the purpose for which he made it.

Latin(1748-1756) 3073

3073. Quod `in hoc cognoscam, quod fecisti misericordiam cum domino meo' significet quod ex amore Divino conjugium, constat ex significatione `misericordiae' quod hic in sensu interno sit amor Divinus, de qua n. 3063; et quia agitur de desponsatione Rebeccae cum Jishako, hoc est, de conjunctione Divini Veri cum Divino Bono Rationalis, per `facere misericordiam cum domino meo' non aliud significatur quam conjugium, ita conjugium ex amore Divino; est etiam hoc conclusum supplicationis ejus, ac finis propter quem.

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