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属天的奥秘 第3063节


3063、“施怜悯”表示爱的流注。这从怜悯的本质清楚可知,怜悯的本质就是爱。当以爱或仁爱来看待凡需要帮助的人时,爱本身就转化为怜悯,并变成怜悯。因此,怜悯就是对穷乏困苦人的爱的表达。但此处“怜悯”在内义上表示爱,“施怜悯”表示爱的流注,因为这是从主的神性本身进入其神性人身或人性的一种流注。事实上,主正是通过祂的神性之爱使祂的人身或人性变成神性,因为爱是生命的真正存在,而唯独主拥有神性之爱。关于主的爱,可参看前面的阐述,即:主的生命是对全人类的爱(2253节),祂出于这爱而争战(1690, 1789, 1812, 1813, 1820节)。这爱超出一切理解(1799, 2077节)。主是神性之爱本身(2077, 2500, 2572节)。“耶和华”就是爱(1735节)。除了爱以外,任何东西都没有生命,或说只有爱是活着的(1589节)。凡拥有相爱的人都拥有主的生命(1799, 1802, 1803节)。爱和仁是属天者本身(1419, 1824节)。

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Potts(1905-1910) 3063

3063. And do mercy. That this signifies an influx of love is evident from the essence of mercy, as being love. Love is itself turned to mercy and becomes mercy when anyone who is in need of help is regarded from love or charity; hence mercy is the effect of love toward the needy and miserable. But here by "mercy" in the internal sense is meant love; and by "doing mercy" is meant an influx of love, because it is from the Lord's Divine Itself into His Divine Human; for it was the Lord's Divine love through which He made His Human Divine; for love is the very being of life, and no one has Divine love but the Lord. (See what has been said before concerning the Lord's love, namely: That His life was love toward the universal human race, n. 2253: That from this love He fought, n. 1690, 1789, 1812, 1813, 1820: That it transcends all understanding, n. 1799, 2077: That the Lord is Divine love itself, n. 2077, 2500, 2572: That "Jehovah" is love, n. 1735: That nothing lives but love, n. 1589: That whoever has mutual love has the Lord's life, n. 1799, 1802, 1803: That love and charity are the celestial itself, n. 1419, 1824.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 3063

3063. 'And deal mercifully' means an influx of love. This is clear from the consideration that the essence of mercy is love. Love itself is converted into mercy and becomes mercy when anyone in need of help is regarded with love or charity. Consequently mercy is the expression of love towards those who are needy and wretched. But here in the internal sense 'mercy' is used to mean love and 'dealing mercifully' an influx of love, since it was an influx from the Lord's Divine itself into His Divine Human. In fact it was by means of Divine love that is the Lord's that He made His Human Divine, for love is the very being (esse) of life, while Divine love exists in none but the Lord. See what has been stated already about the Lord's love in the following places:

The Lord's life was a love towards the whole human race, 2253, and from that love He did battle, 1690, 1789, 1812, 1813, 1820. It surpasses all understanding, 1799, 2077. The Lord is Divine love itself, 2077, 2500, 2572. Jehovah is love, 1735. Nothing apart from love has life, 1589. Anyone who possesses mutual love possesses the Lord's life, 1799, 1802, 1803. Love and charity are the celestial itself, 1419, 1824.

Latin(1748-1756) 3063

3063. `Et fac misericordiam': quod sit influxus amoris, constat ab essentia misericordiae quod sit amor; ipse amor vertitur in misericordiam, et fit misericordia, cum spectatur ex amore aut charitate aliquis qui opis indiget, inde est misericordia effectus amoris erga egenos et miseros; hic vero per `misericordiam' in sensu interno intelligitur amor, et per `facere misericordiam' influxus amoris, quia ex Ipso Divino Domini in Divinum Humanum Ipsius; est enim amor Divinus qui Domino, per quem Divinum fecit Humanum Suum, nam amor est ipsum esse vitae, at amor Divinas nulli quam Domino; videantur quae de amore Domini prius dicta sunt; quod nempe vita Domini fuerit amor erga universum genus humanum, n. 2253; et ex illo pugnaverit, n. (x)1690, 1789, 1812, 1813, 1820: quod transcendat omnem intellectum{1}, n. 1799, 2077 quod Dominus sit ipse Amor Divinus, n. 2077, 2500, 2572: quod Jehovah sit amor, n. 1735 quod nihil vivat quam amor, n. 1589: qui amorem mutuum, quod Domini vitam habeat, n. 1799, 1802, 1803: quod amor et charitas sit ipsum caeleste, n. 1419, 1824. @1 i humanum et angelicum$

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