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属天的奥秘 第3088节


3088、“仆人跑上前去迎着她说”表示神性良善的调查。这从“跑上前去迎着她”和“说”的含义清楚可知:“跑上前去迎着她”是指调查,看看情况是否正如他心里所说的那样(内义指示了这一点);“说”是指感知(如前面频繁所述),因而是指调查。调查之所以是由神性良善作出的,是因为仆人在此代表他的主人,也就是亚伯拉罕和以撒行事。一个被差遣的人就取得了差遣他的那一位的身份,这种情况在圣言中是很常见的。例如,当我们读到天使或使者时,他们首先作为天使或使者被提及,后来就被称为“耶和华”。在荆棘里向摩西显现的使者(出埃及记3:2, 4),以及向基甸显现的使者(士师记6:11-12, 14)就是这种情况。这也解释了为何在下一节经文中,利百加称呼他为“我主”。

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Potts(1905-1910) 3088

3088. The servant ran to meet her, and said. That this signifies exploration from Divine good, is evident from the signification of "running to meet her," as being an exploration as to whether the case was as he had spoken in his heart (the internal sense so dictates); also from the signification of "saying," as being to perceive (often shown before) and thus to explore. That this was from Divine good, is because the servant here acts in the stead of his lord, that is, of Abraham and also of Isaac; for he that is sent puts on the personality of him who sends. This is often the case in the Word, as when angels are spoken of who are first mentioned as angels, and are afterwards called "Jehovah" (as the angel who appeared to Moses in the bush, Exod. 3:2, 4; and the angel that appeared to Gideon, Judges 6:11-12, 14). For the same reason Rebekah addresses him as "my lord" in the next verse.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3088

3088. 'The servant ran to meet her, and said' means investigation by Divine Good. This is clear from the meaning of 'running to meet her' as investigating to see whether things turned out as he declared in his heart- the internal sense dictates this; as well as from the meaning of 'saying' as perceiving, often dealt with already, and thus also as investigating. The reason the investigation was made by Divine Good is that here the servant is acting on behalf of his mastera - who was Abraham, and also Isaac. For one who has been sent assumes the identity of him who sends him, as is the case many times in the Word - such as when one reads about angels, they are first spoken of as angels, but afterwards are called Jehovah. This was so with him who appeared to Moses in the bramble bush, Exod 3:2, 4 and following verses, and with the one who appeared to Gideon, Judg 6:11, 12, 14. This also explains why Rebekah addresses him as 'my lord' in the next verse.a


aThe English terms master and lord translate the same Latin word Dominus.

Latin(1748-1756) 3088

3088. `Cucurrit servus obviam illi, et dixit': quod significet explorationem a Divino Bono, constat a significatione `currere obviam illi' quod sit explorare num ita se habeat prout corde suo locutus, internum sensus hoc dictat; tum ex significatione `dicere' quod sit percipere, de qua saepius prius, ita quoque explorare; quod a Divino Bono, est quia servus hic agit vicem domini sui, nempe Abrahami, tum quoque Jishaki; missus enim induit personam mittentis, ut pluries in Verbo; sicut de angelis legitur quod primum nominentur angeli, {1}et dein vocentur Jehovah, ut qui apparuit Mosi in rubo, Exod. iii 2, 4 seq. et qui apparuit Gideoni, Jud. vi 11, 12, 14: inde etiam est quod Rebecca ad illum dicat, `domine mi,' vers. seq. @1 et dein vocantur Jehovah after 12, 14 below.$

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